* Posts by AnAnonymousCanuck

43 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Mar 2016

As Trump slugs Canada, Mexico and China with tariffs, industry groups hope trade war weapon isn’t pointed at their feet


Re: It's all in how you look at it

Start shipping your products to us. We will buy them. It is quite impressive how us canucks all feel quite "hurt" and want to do what we can to express our disillusionment.

With friends like America, who needs enemies?


GLTA, we're gonna need it


OpenAI's Operator agent wants to tackle your online chores – just don’t expect it to nail every task


I Do Want! But Must Be Mine On My Machine With My Ethics

Subject says most of it, but filtering phone calls, answering /deleting junk emails, searching Amazon if I'm forced to use it :). is what I need.



Where does Microsoft's NPU obsession leave Nvidia's AI PC ambitions?


Re: What is the point?

As to need

My main house computer is a 10 year old fanless Intel i3 running kalliope, a Voice Assistant. This attaches to all my media/email/web as well as a Home Assistant server for all the IOT hardware. All 100% open source.

Both my TTS (text-to-speech) and STT (guess:) are now offering ONNX or tflite enhanced models. The accuracy is double that of the old matching engine. However, it takes 2 seconds for a response vs 0.4 for the old engine. This makes it currently unusable. I am CPU bound. :( Furthermore, I am dependent on one of the big corporates for my speech recognition. There have not really been functional local solutions. The ability to run LLMs and pattern recognition processes locally is vital. They are my only processes dependent on the Cloud. Not only that I currently have a very restricted list of words/phrases for orders. The ability to have an LLM handle verbal input will make pattern matching much easier. Speech output.also improves immensely.

I am looking at renovating one of my towers and have been researching what the motherboard looks like. First iteration looks like a mass produced NPU solution, then when NVidia prices collapse, get a top notch card. I have been following the "Build Your Own AI" series here on The Reg, this article fills in some of the mid-level hardware options



Eutelsat OneWeb blames 366th day for 48-hour date disaster


Re: Equivalent problem 45 years ago

Ahhh, the joys of JCL. The most powerful and most unreadable language EVER. And, I include assembler, as some of us can (or used to be able to) read hexadecimal.

Thank you for the story and the memories. Ex-data entry clerk who "learned" JCL from "examples" and production code in the system.

Another Anonymous Canuck

VMware revenue bounces for Broadcom, chips were a little undercooked



I'm not even an accountant and I can make the books look good for 1 quarter for ANY company.

I was able to make the books for my company look bad for over 20 years, lol. It took government Covid support for us to turn a profit.

Please Simon, skepticism is a useful skill for a journalist. Time will tell, This time next year?


Punkt MC02: As private, and pricey, as a Swiss bank account


No Need For Privacy?

> Being a price-sensitive buyer with little use for secrecy, encryption and so on,

If you have no need for privacy then those sensitive prices are going to be very sensitive to the condition of your wallet, and will adjust appropriately, for the seller at least

Apple users have had to deal with this issue for a long time.




> Being a price-sensitive buyer with little use for secrecy, encryption and so on,

If you have no need for privacy then those sensitive prices are going to be very sensitive to the condition of your wallet, and will adjust appropriately, for the seller at least

Apple users have had to deal with it for a long time.



US claims TikTok shipped personal data to China – very personal data


Re: Or

A sociable, I'm in. Is it BYOB or do we have a generous host??

( Sociable: regional Canadian slang for a house party)


Satellite phone service could soon become the norm


Re: Just in time...

And I trust a capricious man-child more than i do the ripoff artists that are Canadian telecom companies. Dealing with Elmo is far more pleasant than dealing with Bell, Telus or Rogers.


Another Anonymous Canadian

Firefox 119 unleashes PDF prowess and Sync sorcery


Nothing Wrong?

> There is nothing intrinsically wrong with snap,

Yes there is, the same problem as python has: duplicate, inconsistent system libraries.

YMMV, but I'm not interested in debugging through multiple loaded dynamic libraries.


Linux interop is maturing fast… thanks to a games console


interesting Until....

Only installation method is Flatpack.

Next ....


SK hynix says no Huawei its memory should be in Chinese wonder-phone


Re: Can anyone tell if the Mate 60 Pro will work in Canada ?

It will work, but there is nowhere that can service the phone if there is a problem. It is a pity, Huawei phones are wonderful, you actually control them, unlike the Android or Apple products. Unfortunately I broke the screen on mine and I don't know enough to repair it myself :(



Ex-Twitter sextet sues Elon Musk for 'stiffing' them on severance


And Yet Starlink is Far Better than Any Canadian Cell Company

So, as long as Starlink keeps working I could not care about all the rest of the babble. E. Musk is the perfect example of a sociopath, someone who cannot relate to others, but he has done more to change the world than any other person in the last 50 years.

Just saying.

Another Anonymous Canuck

Parental control apps prove easy to beat by kids and crims



First time I have heard of Frida. It looked interesting And then I learn it's written in python.

Poor performance and an insecure environment. "pip install" Does not meet standards. Too bad.


US border cops harvest info from citizens' phones, build massive database


Re: Travel to or through the US?

> They'd only just changed the rules to say that international transfer passengers must go through US immigration,

No rule change, it has always been that way, since the mid 1950's I believe.

YMWNV (Your mileage will not vary, not with US Customs.)


Airbnb turns its anti-partying tech on American lodgers


AirBnB: Where a Confirmed Reservation is Not

See the title. 3 times I have been left without a place to stay despite having a confirmed and paid for reservation. Airbnb's response: "Here is a 10% credit for a place of EQUAL or MORE VALUE."

I no longer use AirBnB, I will no longer use AirBnB and if I was younger I would take them to small claims court for breach of contract.


Another Anonymous Canuck

Coinbase CEO cuts 1,100 jobs, warns of 'crypto winter'


Good Way to Let People Go

14 weeks severance for 1 year is exceptionally good.

A good way to pay for your mistakes in over-hiring.

Another Anonymous Canuck

Google blocks FOSS Android tool – for asking for donations


Don't Trust Google?

+1 for F-Droid. APKPure is another trustworthy app collection.

We have never given census data to anyone – not even the spy agencies, says the UK's Office for National Statistics


Sounds like The DBA Knows What She is Doing

Access to the summarized data will be a standard SOX/ISO process. Everyone: government, businesses, individuals will have access to this

Access to the dataset with the individual records will be ISO/SOX and then re-requested, re-authorized, AUTHORIZED BY A SENIOR someone, re-documented, re-executed, re-logged, multiple times. These people are bureaucrats, secure behinds are the primary requirement.

Other than the security services and criminals, I don't see any other group that would even try for the detailed dataset. And, like many others, I am sure the security services already have a copy of it.


Just An Anonymous Canuck

What could possibly go wrong? Sublet your home broadband to strangers who totally won't commit crimes


Re: Sounds “interesting”

This is not true, at least not within the past 2 years. Shaw cable modems are controlled by Shaw, however, you control the wifi router and you can connect any wifi router to the modem. Shaw does offer a wide area wifi network for all it's subscribers that it supplies through it's business customers. That service is opt-in for the business. The wide area wifi was extremely useful 5-10 years ago when there was very little publicaly available wifi, it is still useful occasionally.

As to reselling internet access, the users are just running a server on their machine. Unless their contract with the ISP prohibits servers I cannot see why it should not be allowed.



Ever wondered why the big beasts in software all suddenly slapped an 'I heart open-source' badge on?


The Platform I Not the Problem

We have had reliable platforms to run software since the mainframe days of the 1960's. What is still missing is the reliable software to run on any platform. While there are a few programming shops that turn out top quality code, 90% of the software I have to operate for the business that pays me is absolute crap and often does not perform the function it is supposed to. It does not matter if it is custom in-house work or million dollar commercial sftware, 90% of it is crap. Containers = a way for developers to deliver worse crap quicker.



Alexa, swap out this code that Amazon approved for malware... Installed Skills can double-cross their users


How to Get Privacy

Run YOUR voice assistant on YOUR machine, not someone-elses.



Ever felt that a few big tech companies are following you around the internet? That's because ... they are


The Register Javascript Not Required to Read the Register

Otherwise it would not be one of my favourite internet gossip sites :)


Uncle Sam accuses three suspected North Korean govt hackers of stealing $1.3bn+ from banks, crypto orgs



A total of $1.9m (£1.4m) worth of various allegedly stolen cryptocurrencies were seized by the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office, and will be returned to two companies in New York.

I wonder how they did that?


Chrome zero-day bug that is actively being abused by bad folks affects Edge, Vivaldi, and other Chromium-tinged browsers


Chrome and Chromium are bugs, web bugs reporting everything to Google..

YMMV (actually it's Google so it won't)


LibreOffice 7.1 Community released with user-interface picker, other bits and bytes


Re: Lacks the Polish?

I'm sorry as a business user I find LibreOffice opens old MSWord documents better than a modern MSWord, What's funnier is it produces better quality MSWord documents than MSWord does. Often 20-30% smaller for the exact same content.



What happens when the internet realizes the stock market is basically a casino? They go shopping at the Mall


January 29 is Settlement Day

Subject says it all.


Breaking up big tech can make smartphones interesting again


Want something interesting. Buy a phone you control. That means no Apple, no Android.

Purism and Pinephone are two options



Social isolation creates craving in the same brain region as wanting food or addictive drugs, study finds


10 hours Is Not Social Isoloation

10 days maybe.



Apple cracks down on iOS terminal apps because they can download code


You Have a Choice

Not allowed to run a shell. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......

https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php?title=PinePhone won't run without a shell

If you want privacy and freedom, make an effort!


Sorry we shut you out, says Tutanota: Encrypted email service weathers latest of ongoing DDoS storms


Sounds Like My Kind of Service

Subject says it all.


Notepad++ website sent to China's naughty step after 'Stand with Hong Kong' software update

Thumb Up

Re: Not Just A Developers Tool

Us UNIX guys use it to code Powershell when we have to. The best part is he will make more money than he has in a long time .

Just Another Anonymous Canuck

Developers renew push to get rid of objectionable code terms to make 'the world a tiny bit more welcoming'


White Elephant

The project sounds like a white elephant to me.

i did fail my political correctness course, of course

Another Anonymous Canuck

Please, just stop downloading apps from unofficial stores: Android users hit with 'unkillable malware'


> Even better advice is to avoid downloading any suspicious apps from the Google Play Store

Guess that means no apps at all. lol


Want to stay under the radar for a decade or more? This Chinese hacking crew did it... by aiming for Linux servers


Meaningless Group Of Statements Made Up Out of the Air

The entire article is BS!

> Going after Linux servers also has the added benefit of yielding massive caches of data when an attack is successful.

Really, any evidence to back that statement? Or any other statement in the article?

Not even close to El Reg's usual carrion quality.

A very disappointed AAC

Welcome to the telco, we've got fun and games: BT inks 5-year deal to outsource mainframe management to IBM


Re: IBM pulled out of our outsourcing solicitation

Or they realized that your company was competent

Internet Archive justifies its vast 'copyright infringing' National Emergency Library of 1.4 million books by pointing out that libraries are closed


How Archaic Are the Opinions Here?

I on the other hand, applaud IA. Human culture should never be restricted. Copyright is an 18th century solution that is already dead. Get Over It! Copyright lawyers are the latest buggy whip makers, and they have realized it. Why do you think they are fighting so hard?


Just Another Anonymous Canuck

Totally Subcontracted Business: TSB to outsource entire IT estate to IBM for a cool $1bn after 2019 meltdown



Having worked with IBM Services, if you are a customer of TSB, I strongly recommend that you change banks.


For Fark's sake! Fark fury follows 5-week ad ban for 5-year-old story


Do No Evil. Definition of Evil?

Last time I paid Google was just after they charged me clicks for ads that led to 4 pages that had not been viewed in over 3 months.

My complaint was rejected with "My logs were wrong". There is no way to appeal.

My action was to terminate the credit card.

"Do No Evil" However, they define evil such that it does not include theft or fraud


HPE 3PAR storage SNAFU takes Australian Tax Office offline


EMC Just Works?


Thank you for my morning pick-me-up.

I love EMCs, they're wonderful for billable hours!


Will Microsoft's nerd goggles soar like an Eagle, or flop like a turkey?


Looked Inevitable?

"Windows 3.x won not because it was better, or because anyone particularly liked it, but because it looked inevitable."

IIRC the reason Windows 3.X won:

MSDOS + Windows = $160

Apple = $750

MS-DOS compiler = $100

Apple compiler = $500

The biggest business mistake Apple ever made was the pricing for the basic OS and tools in the mid to late 80's. They lost the PC war because of it.


It really is time to sort out your professional indemnity insurance



As an IT consultant/contractor you are either negligent or not negligent. If you are not negligent then no issue and if you are negligent then PI insurance will not cover you.

An Anonymous Canuck

Amazon WorkSpaces two years on: Are we ready for cloud-hosted Windows desktops?


If It Meets Your Operational Requirements

$948 operational expense/year? That's less than a phone/year.

No capital expense for hardware? Okay, not none, but 1,000 BYOD is a million bucks saved

I could make this work at lots of clients who operate in the Windows environment.

And I prefer real Unixes. Especially since systemd sucks, based on my dealings with it in the past 2-3 years.

Need a money icon