Artificial Intelligence
Ah - The Pre-Cogs!
49 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Mar 2016
I can never understand Government and their link with industry.
You do all the development; you understand the problems; you understand the commercial element has changed; you now have better materials; you have invested millions into it and all the attendant engineering.
You lead the world in this technology.
So instead of government taking the project forward and benefitting from this - what do you do?
It is the same with MagLev and Eric Laithwaite. Who now benefits from this technology? Germany.
What I meant was that it was easier to process:- etc
and work it out to
11000000 10101000 etc
C0:A8: ... ... etc
to calculate this to
11000000 10101000 in your head
I know that there are some of you that can work out hex to binary in your head but I definitely have problems with it !
Now that is an issue. European and other countries use two pin connectors that are in most, although not all, cases reversable. That means that if, say you had a bedside light with a switch on the wire and a faulty bulb. You switch off the light and by doing so may make a 50% choice that you have switched off the supply. Then your fingers touch the contacts in the socket. hmmmm!
I firmly believe that we have the best plug and socket system in the world. I also laugh when I hear North Americans talk about our dangerous 230v against their safe 115v. Most disasters in domestic electrical problems are caused by fire. Remember that it is I squared R that matters in the heat produced.
How is he able to email documents from their systems? The IT System should NOT be connected in any way to the internet. If he emailed from his own personal computer then how did it get there? By USB stick you might say. Those USB ports should have been locked down on BAE kit.
Some questions need to be asked.
Who in the SECRET or TOP SECRET environment allows access to USB ports?
It might be necessary on certain machines but only with logging (electronic and wet ink) and witnesses.
Also any stick must be an encrypted stick.
I know of one American defense company that allowed (without realising it) changing the file name extension to get through the blocks. This is now handled by other protection systems. But this was after some secrets had beed stolen.
There have to be repurcusions for such an appalling waste of money. It is simply not good enough to embarrass Capita management in front of the Public Accounts Committee.
There have to be financial penalties written into ALL large Government contracts. Those penalties MUST also have a financial impact upon the management individuals. That is the only way we will bring this ludicrous situation to an end.
Wasn't there a film some 50 years ago where the plane crashed and it was finally deduced that it was a coffee spill that caused the accident?
Have we learned nothing?
What about if the air systems fail and we end up with condensation water dripping around the electronics?
There are various solutions to these problems.
Banning coffee in the cockpit should not be one of them.
43 Police Forces all delivering the same basic services to the public.
43 different systems.
43 different ideas on how to firewall it.
43 different ways on how to connect it
43 different budget percentages
43 ...
43 ...
If you want to keep costs down, standardise the approach, standardise the systems. Join up the systems completely, not piecemeal. Look at the unification of strategy.
The trouble is, you won't get any unification whilst there are individual Crime Commisioners who would go if the forces joined up. There would need to be a rethink there too.
It is all about little feifdoms! As long as the Home Office allows this, the costs will rise and rise and the systems will move from one problem to another.
As a country we are very poor at large scale management. Could do better!
I have BT Fibre to the Premises with a Fibre Copper converter, then a BT router. The router nails the DNS down to which is a private IP address. I am told that BT do this to conserve public IP4 addresses but the routing side of it concerns me. I get very erratic performance sometimes a web page can take up to a minute to load; when it does load, the whole page is loaded very fast - it is not a gradual feed. This indicates to me that the backhaul is having some problems. I am not sure exactly how the private addresses are used in the public domain as they are not supposed to be routable. Anyone got any ideas?
Anyone spotted the mast on the side of the M23 just south and opposite Three Bridges?
No? Well they can disguise masts if they want to.
I now live in Mid Wales. Signal - what signal. We don't exist here as far as Telcos are concerned.
But London - that is a different matter. We still pay our phone bills, taxes and council taxes but we might as well be in Antarctica!
OFCOM are completely toothless and should be disbanded and replaced.
Racing Drone enthusiasts could be allowed to disable the geofencing on their devices. They could then be allowed to chase after the rogue drone when it appears. We need to find the operator. The rogue drone is just a drone in the wrong hands.
It worries me that we don't yet have a solution.
One rogue drone carrying botulinum toxin or Novichok flying into central London doesn't bear thinking about.
Most Government departments have restrictions on their expenditure for employees/workforce. This is managed by accountants who draw this from OPEX (Operating Expenditure).
Thus to employ people without affecting OPEX you must use CAPEX (Capital Expenditure). This is usually defined as project cost.
Thus using CAPEX instead of OPEX you separate Contractor from Employee. Therefore, Contractors are not employees. No IR35.
ID4ME is the interesting bit. This could be coupled with one's passport, Driving licence and NHS number (they should all be the same anyway). This with full certification would establish a person totally. If the public move into this with email etc then anything from a false ID gets dumped. That helps prevent spam, viruses etc because they can be traced. Needs more thought but interesting to an old codger like me!
I have no problem with Russia coming off the internet as long as they do it soon!
Russia will be in dire straights if it cannot export it's oil and gas. The west needs to obtain it's oil and gas from elsewhere. It CAN be done. An unhappy population will then turn on its' leader.
What always amazes me is the gap.
That is - some people have amazing skills AND can use them well.
And - some people in the workplace - you wonder how they got that far.
It seems to me that what is important is whether you can apply your skills well (or even learn to do that). I have looked up to some and then realised - they have built a monster - now how do we get out of this mess!
Good comments. Proper power "Transfer Switches" should automatically "break" before they "make". However, there are times when you want to isolate a UPS and run direct from mains for maintenance. This requires a sequence of switching to occur. Get it wrong and you lose power. This still doesn't address the lack of DC2 coming on stream.
I think this has some credence. I have experienced a faulty earth on a newly rewired three phase system. This can cause voltages +280V (Interphase voltages). This could cause higher voltages in the logic circuits and thence zapping of chips and insidious faults. Furthermore, the higher voltages in the logic circuits could pass to the connected DC2 via the data links (NOT POWER CIRCUITS). That could take out the DC2. Just a hypothesis.
Well a committe designing a horse will come up with a camel. Why oh why are we trying to make a "can do everything" aircraft. You know and I know that it just can't be done. Stick to what you are good at. We Brits know how to build aircraft but we are controlled by incompetent idiots who all went to the same school and are good mates! This needs to be nipped in the bud NOW.