I really hope he didn't spell it APOLOGIZE
280 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Aug 2007
Watched it last night at the local IMAX, thoroughly enjoyed it, but two things bothered me, firstly, was the the lack of theme tune at the start, I saw the "A long time ago" and closed my eyes in preparation for the spine-tingling crescendo , but was denied, bummed me out for a minute or two that!
Secondly was at the other end of the film, and the poor CGI of Leia, it was completely unnecessary and bad to be honest, they did well with Tarkin though, even if the voice was off.
"shared the affected bank details with the major UK banks so they can take their usual actions to protect customers' accounts in the highly unlikely event that a criminal attempts to defraud them"
Well, the people who rang Dido up *said* they were calling from the bank, with a thick indian accent.