Re: Whatever next?
Which is something apparently a lot of females are used to.
Up to y'all to find a connection between women, no orgasms and hop-less beer here.
Have one on me, while you're at it.
44 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Mar 2016
Driving a new Opel (Vauxhall) Insignia with all those nice and helpful toys onboard, I can confirm: Being blinded by the sun is no fun of you're the driver. My ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) does recognise the car in front of me w/o any issue an slows down to match the speed.
Or hits the brake and warns you - that happend once as well. Fun, if the car in front of you has no working brake lights and you are blinded by the sun...
... since an operating theatre isn't something you move from room to room in a hospital.
And even though the country is in ruins at the moment: I am quite sure, that there will be plans of the hospital as such. Some architect will have drawn something, there will be some office / governmental institution of sorts that have this data on paper / file somewhere.
No need to go through the hassle of hacking someone in UK to get a hold of the IP address of the other side etc. etc. etc.
I can only confirm Big_D's story from my own experience:
27 years spent with the smallest companies (3-4) and big enterprises (300k):
The only sexual harassment case, that I have seen / experienced so far, was in the Army.
(Funny story, where I was the apparent offender first and then became the victim)
Everywhere else:
Yes, "funny" comments about women were being made, when no female was around.
But I have never, ever seen or heard of men behaving like that.
Seeing the difference between Europe / UK and US / Canada - you might start to think, there's a massive cultural difference there...
No official resources communicated the actual assumption, that APT28 was caught red handed here.
And although it seems likely, so far no official findings were published, apart from a "we isolated the attack and have it under control".
And to all the Super Pros here:
Whoever attacked or infiltrated probably has put some effort and thought into his attack, so the attack stays under the radar. It's not like a Mr. Trump, who'd go in in broad daylight, waving his USB stick at the security guards and copies the entire internet on it.
Attack without being found out for as long as possible is what they specialised in. If it'd be that easy to find out you're leaking data - joints like APT28 wouldn't last that long... or the NSA, BND, MAD etc. etc.
So far, they have not even been able to prohibit Windows 10 from contacting home base.
And Telekom and Co want you to believe, that they have completely cut of any access for MS?
I have severe doubts there.
https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Behoerden-ignorieren-Sicherheitsbedenken-gegenueber-Windows-10-3971133.html shows what's wrong here: Not even the German government could "persua<de" MS to stop hoarding data. And yet, we're led to believe the Deutsche Telekom did?
(Couldn't find the English article)
Na, don't think so.
TheSolderMonkey posted the link zu a copied/scanned version of the verdict.
It's not that complicated.
Said company actually distributed information about one of their investment products, which held false information, thus possibly not correctly depicting the risk attached to actually buying this product.
=> I found NO information, if this was deliberately done so, or if this was was just plain, human error.
The company was ordered to take this information down and they very well have an interest in doing so: They'd be held liable, if any investor using this product -based upon this information- suffered damages.
However: The link to an article (Headline looks like BILD (Eq. to the Sun) could've written it) apparently also containing links or information about said product still pops up in Google.
So they asked Google to take this information down - which they did, partially.
And that is where the court ruled as it did: The company tried to fulfill the court order to remove all information concerning this product. Not only because of their reputation, but also because of their liability.
If Google does not remove the entry, the company could be under investigation again, due to not doing as the court ordered - or be sued due to customers still having access to false information.
* I am definitely no lawyer (I still have some conscience left ;) ), I just am able to interpret the docs, due to living in Germany...
You actually believe this yourself, don't you?
Women: Reproduce, that's all you've been destined for? Male: Superior in every way imaginable (Apart from breeding...)?
The issue at hand is plain and simple:
If we'd treat every single human being as equal and would not be a misogynist, racist nutcase like ... (Fill in the dots yourself please), then yes, we might still see certain groups (Be it gender- or race-based) being represented more in certain professions.
But then one could say, it is because these people were actually fitter to do the job.
As long as companies rather hire white males for leadership roles and asians for tech jobs (You almost would assume such) etc. - we'll need to make sure that other groups will get their share.
If we're not grown up enough to share and be non-biased, then parenting is needed, which is what a decent government does (should do) in such cases.
Never taken a real IQ test, have you?
Yes, you can improve your score by practising. And by practising you do what exactly?
Ah, okay, I'll answer that for you: You practise your skills to solve certain problems, you read up on common knowledge ... and yes, that improves your IQ too.
The axe-wielder was no right winger, but apparently a man with severe mental disorder. (Well, yes, that might apply to one of two of these rightwing dicks too, but for the rest: neither stupidity nor ignorance are mental disorders).
The lorry driver was an ISIS terrorist.
To prevent radicalisation, you'll need education first.
But since you can't lock them kids in schools 24/7, you need to have an overview of the places where these kids are the rest of the time.
Making sure that hate speech etc. is not being seen as "normal" (It's been on facebook now for weeks, so can't be anything wrong with it) but is being removed and acted upon, will send a clear signal: If it's unlawful, it gets deleted and the author will be held responsible for that.
True: This will only help so much, but it is a start.
By the way: being a German citizen myself: I do not feel bothered one bit. Might be because I received a proper upbringing, learnt to think for myself and check facts before believing what someone else tells me. Having reported rightist hate speech to FB and Twitter several times, not once these posts were reacted upon, not even where threats to healt or life were written in the comments.
According to the message from FB, this was not in conflict with the FB guidelines...
Having spent 6 years as a Dutch infantry soldier, receiving a lot of "coaching" from our special forces colleagues, to me -as to many of my male colleagues- the acceptance of female colleagues was one of the best decisions made.
Yes, they (sometimes ... not always!) lacked our physical strength, but they often proved a better mental strength than many of my male colleagues (Including myself ever so often) during long confinements, manoeuvres or generally stressful situations (days, if not weeks, in a 2mx4m trench tends to get to your nerves somehow).
Not to mention an absolute improvement in culture, since most men do behave more civilised in the company of a woman: Nobody getting out his best parts in public to remove "the cheese" and more things like that.
In combat, you are a part of a team, where everybody has its tasks. Yes, it's more likely that the female in an armoured infantry group will be gunner, driver or commander and she' probably not be the one dragging MAG, ammo or the AT weapons. But she might be the medic, recon or pioneer.
And to be honest: If I had gotten shot, I'd rather have a female medic next to me, than the bulky MG colleague.
She might not be able lift me up and drag me 20 miles to base (How many men can actually do that? Ever tried to run with a 80kg person, next to 30-40kg of equipment (Twice!) on your back?), but she'll be able to stop the bleeding, thus improving my chances to get out alive, at a time where support is near.
I spent the best part of 18 Months, testing OpenStack, CloudStack, Xen, VMware, oVirt etc.
And ended up using ProxMox.
KVM and LXC, Setup in under 30 Minutes.
Commodity Hardware, CEPH, DRBD, Gluster, standard iSCSI, NFS: It's all there.
Rules, User Groups, Users ... So yes, I can give my customer his own piece of Cloud.
The only piece missing would be billing.
But hey, I see the traffic, I see the size of VMs.
For now, I do the maths myself.
For all Cloud-Plattforms: It's never something which you "just install" and it's up & running.
Starting with defining a test-scope, setting up a test-environment and then actually putting it through tests (and the latter two can and should be repeated several times) installing and configuring a (Test)Cloud environment is a matter of weeks, if not months.
It all begins with deciding what you actually want to achieve with implementing OpenStack, CloudStack, Ovirt, Proxmox etc. etc. etc.
For my company, I have now invested several months in Apache CloudStack, as it seems to suit my needs and still have things I need to test and investigate.
So, it's no vapourware. But it needs quite a lot of input.
(To get a grasp of Cloudstack: They have a quick setup for a single server under Cent OS 6 on their website.)
There I am, being a M$ partner and being buggered at least 3x a week, to sell Office 360,5 to my customers.
Sorry, but as an IT Consultant and (Cloud) Service Provider, I always thought it should be my main goal, to help my customers maintain a stable, functioning and secure IT infrastructure.
There once was a time, where M$ pledged they'd help me with that...
Yes, I know. That was somewhere before the year 2000...
Oh well, on the bright side:
F*ck ups like this will eventually lead to the usage of better suited alternatives, that cost less, use less resources and provide the same or even a better service...
Thanks M$, for doing my business for me!
Would be a good idea, weren't it for certain Asian countries to not give a sh*t about those rules and "building" (badly copying) vulnerable IoThingies and selling them.
The amount of pirated and illegal "copies" you can buy on Amazon, Ebay and co is astonishing.
And even if other governments find out about these things being sold and banning the device or even the manufacturer: They'll just rebrand them and sell them anyway.
So, yes: responsibility should be with the manufacturer, providing secure IoThings. But main culprit is the horrendous ignorance, carelessness and plain stupidity "users" with which behave when it comes to AllThingsInternet.
Virusscan? Don't need it,
Use a firewall? No, I have nothing to hide.
Buying music? No, I'll download some malware-infected RAR-File, that's cheaper
Pay more money for decent appliances? Hell no, this (mostly Asian) costs only 1/10th and does exactly the same...
I'm not even bothering to paste the links for this, but this matter is completely irrelevant.
The usage of sites has changed since Server 2012, if not even 2008 R2.
A different site is only needed, when using slow links, as in ISDN or 56k.
Since years we're using ADSL, Cable etc. with speeds of multiple mbit.
From an AD point of view that is not a "slow link", hence a separate site is not needed for that, you can use OUs for the separation.
Just add the subnets to the central site and immediate "in-site" replication will be in place.
~ 10 years ago this article might have been relevant.
@ DougS
Both as a freelancer and as an employee I have been put through tests or had to show and discuss technical cases, solve test cases.
Prepare a few VMs with deliberate mis-configurations (Boot, network, etc) and you'll be able to see how somebody works or is able to solve a problem.
Ask questions. If the applicant starts bragging immediately, ask nasty questions.
So many options here, to see if the applicant is fit for the job (and not afraid to get into a discussion with the boss-to-possibly-be)
Now, being an employer myself, my wife and I have agreed upon the following:
CVs will be anonymised by her, so only the experience and education part remains.
Any hint on gender, religion, disability or "race" (how I detest this word) are removed.
Why? Because I am biased. I will probably treat applications from men older than me, people with "exotic" names or hobbies I don't like, the same.
I don't like that about me, as there are other things I don't like about me.
And I can work on those, try to change them, but that'll take time. So my wife (Procura in our company) takes care of that.
... who changed their licensing policy back from cores to sockets, after just a few years and quite a few losses?
Designing / testing a cloud environment for my company, I still kept Hyper-V 2016 in the back of my head as a testworthy option. After having seen the new license model, together with the obligatory software assurance? Not so much...
Combining it with yet another "reorganisation" of the certification program, along with quite a lot of "news" I received from MS over the last days, I can only conclude:
50% of MS is "persuading" you to move to Azure, the other 50% has plainly lost his / her marbles.
Having been a long-time, hardcore WinAdmin, with Linux as a hobby, I certainly find myself in the exact opposite position. Somehow my Datacenter only has one Windows DC left (which will be gone soon as well)...
Thanks for making my mind up, M$!
I am quite sure it isn't. You might be referring to the Dutch "vent", which indeed would be meaning "young man". That would not work though, the best bet would be to use "ventje" (Little boy).
As written: He used "Fendt" as a nickname to spare himself and his family the blame. Fendt is widely known in Germany though: As a manufacturer of agricultural machines ... as in "John Deere".
So maybe he did think about his nickname and the size of his todger? (Well, that's how men are, innit: They always seem bigger than they really are...)
Given the quite care-free way they worked, at least in the beginning, I would not be surprised if they actually did so from their home IPs. Apart from that: It is to be seen how they used to pay the bills of these Usenet-Providers. Might very well be, that PayPal will be adressed as next instance to give out the data of these users.
I've been a customer of at least 10 different banks here in Germany, business and private, over the last 20 years. Only 2 or 3 of those actually wrote their online banking can work with card readers. 2 even offered card readers in their shop, somewhere around € 30-35.
Yes, in NL it's a default completely.
Can't say if NL is more secure or pays less in total for fraud damages.
Apple: Too expensive, not really compatible in a Windows environment ... and Apple is complete losing interest in business customers.
Android: If you hadn't had security issues before, Android makes sure you'll have them ... a plenty
Blackberry: Not really cheap, only manageable with RIMs software and hardly up to today's standards
So, I thought about moving to Windows Phone.
And yes (!) for 120 € I got quite a decent phone, does all I need and works very well with my Surface Pro.
And now this. Are they going to pull the plug completely?
That would leave us with the 3 options above ...
Try doing all those things in the Netherlands...
1) 120 or 130 on all free ways, as opposed to no speed limit in Germany
2) Rural areas max 80km/h as opposed to 100km/h in Germany
3) Pictures are taken from behind ... so you'll find out that you were gotten if the "congratulations" letter drops in your mailbox.
4) trajectory control: You get photographed at the beginning and at the end of a trajectory. If your average speed is above the limit, you'll get fined. This kind of control is not (yet) allowed in Germany
5) Prices are way higher in NL than in DE
I wonder where this "Germany" is... It's not the Germany I am living in at the moment...
Yes, we are allowed to drive as fast as the car allows you to (No, I am not saying "as fast as you can" ... there is a huge difference there!).
Nitwits, ignoring their mirrors and pulling out of the far right lane with ~ 130km/h to overtake the car in front, driving 129km/h, just meters in front of me, while driving 200km/h.
The actual parts of Autobahn where you can drive full-speed are actually getting smaller and smaller, due to a lack of maintenance ... or too much of it.
Apart from that: During the day you can forget it most of the time, since our roads tend to get more stuffed too.
So the best time to drive fast would be in the middle of the night, 4 AM approx.
You're seeing it too black & white.If Brexit happens the EUR will go down too, for sure. Nevertheless trade between UK and Europe will continue, be it under different regulations.
GDP PC will drop by ~1.5%, which would destroy -for instance- the growth of Germany (1.7% last year) ... but that would be about it.
If all connections and trade 'd be cut. So, yes, it will be a small set back for the EU, but we'll manage...
Of almost 20 years in IT, I have spent 10 years as an employee.
In those times, I have been "on the couch" twice, the first time when "burn out" in Germany didn't even exist. (It did not yet gain the attention it does now.)
Both times I was sacked, which is officially not possible, but with the first one I was too tired to go to court. The second company was too small, which gives such companies certain possibilities, when firing people.
By then, I had had more than enough and decided to build up my own business.
60 hours a week had been standard for years already, now, as CEO I often have weeks that are over 80hours long.
But... The money we're making is ours. We decide what we do with it, if we're investing it or not.
Employees are in for a lively discussion, if they work more than 10 hours a day. I will only accept it in emergency cases and will remind the employee to go home earlier the days after that.
And being my own boss, I can have a lie down at 2 in the afternoon. I can decide if I take the day off, If I am going to get up early or late and so on.
The responsibility for my life, the life of my family and of my employees: It is a burden and it turns quite heavy, ever so often.
But I am free. Free to decide for me, but also to decide for my employees, that they will not run into such environments like I did twice.
No ... no, spot on, me thinks.
So what if the drop arms would be bearing Aussies, then my mobile phone goes *bang*? Provided I am neither in the USA, wearing full body odour, nor in the UK, quoting 17th century laws made by Dutch princes, killing bears and snakes with the 2nd Amendment.