* Posts by find users who cut cat tail

368 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Mar 2016


Want a better password? Pretend you eat kale. We won't tell anyone

find users who cut cat tail

It depends. As L0ve has smaller probability than Love, an optimal strategy will find it later. A real software may not, but I hazard to say most will. Which, by definition, makes it more difficult to crack.

So, dunno why so many downvotes. They can be both cracked easily -- but that was not the question.

Mads Torgersen and Dustin Campbell on the future of C#

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Functions returning multiple values.

Python functions can return tuples. And lists. And dictionaries, strings, sets, numbers, iterators, ... and all other types of objects. Tuple is just one of them and there is nothing special about returning tuples. You do not have to write the parentheses around the tuple in the return statement -- but that is true also in a number of other places.

Americans cutting back on online activity over security and privacy fears

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Bah!

Could you explain the part about utility companies? In this part of the world I pay electricity, gas, ... everything by telling my bank ‘send this fixed amount to this account every month‘. And that is all. Then there is annual accounting when I (typically) get a small amount back because the monthly payment is (typically) a bit higher than actual average cost.

Spying on you using fake social media profiles: One Scots council could

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Legality?

> Would I want someone to investigate me in this manner?

Definitely. Ideally the only manner in which I may be investigated would be trying to enter into a personal relationship with me using social media. Unless it includes forcing me to use them, of course.

Banning computers makes students do better on exams – MIT

find users who cut cat tail

Re: That needs to be retested for distraction on/off

> That would have been my thinking too - it's not the devices present/not present that would be the problem; but how those devices are used.

While I agree in principle, can we expect computers to be used in a non-distracting manner?

A paper and pencil are passive. Whereas using computer is more interactive and things are happening asynchronously there, diverting your attention -- so there is likely to be a mental cost. Unless you are just using the computer for fast typing. Then it can be beneficial. But I am not convinced this would ever be the typical use.

Devs claim charger uses 'photosynthesis' power battery charger

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At least it seems people stopped creating names with missing vowels and switched to names with too many vowels. It is positive news? Maybe for the French...

Extreme photo-bombing: Bad ImageMagick bug puts countless websites at risk of hijacking

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Death by magic

The ‘magic’ part of ImageMagick is the problem here. One of its main selling points is that it just works and does something at least kind-of-useful with almost any file type you might want to convert to an image and process so. Which is very nice when you need it.

But it is also exactly the wrong approach for untrusted input.

Does a web image gallery really need converters from PoV-Ray, manual pages and HTTPS (sic)?

Miguel de Icaza on his journey from open source to Microsoft: 'It's a different company'

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Re: Miguel de Icaza is a great coder, and will always be so

> I have to wonder if these are the same people who attack prominent women coders.

And where that came from?

No, we just hate the guy who tried hard to destroy the Open Source desktop under the guise of implementing some grandiose vision -- and unfortunately succeeded to large extent before moving elsewhere.

And I personally also hate idiots who post slanderous remarks such as yours.

Windows 10 handcuffs Cortana web search to Bing and Edge browser

find users who cut cat tail

Re: So where's EU

The EU is slow, but will at least get to it eventually. Aside from a few exceptions (Germany), it certainly does better than the national states...

Your mother has a smooth forehead, Klingon language lovers roar at Paramount

find users who cut cat tail

Yes, and the bigger claim and copyright on characters, settings, and plot points is pretty fucked up too if you ask me. You created a concrete work of art and you get copyright on that. If someone else creates some other work of art related to the same (virtual) universe, it is their work of art.

Vinyl LPs to top 3 million sales in Blighty this year

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Nice to see....

> Or tell us what your little idiosyncrasies are that make no sense to other people...

I do not want more people doing this. I want the silly vinyl people stop doing this. Is the difference clear?

Czech Republic to rebrand

find users who cut cat tail

Great. Apparently too few people confuse it with Chechnya presently and this cannot continue...

find users who cut cat tail


Considering recent developments, the real reason for removing `Republic' from the name is probably that it is the first step to proclaiming Zeman (the current president) the king...

US anti-encryption law is so 'braindead' it will outlaw file compression

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Wow, it seems I might even agree with the BSA on something. This is a strange world.

Pair programming: The most extreme XP practice?

find users who cut cat tail

If you are...

What I am spending as much by doing calculus (or scribbling sketches and schemes, looking up things in books and papers...) as having hands on keyboard? Even brief interruption and loss of focus can easily ruin ten minutes of work. Do you only program things that do not actually require thinking? Or is everyone except me such a genius that he can keep complex mental schemes in his head -- while communicating with other people? I do not understand. Note I mostly develop scientific software (so, yes, calculus is involved regularly) as do most people around me. But they all need to focus to get anything done right.

Cunning scam: Mobe app stalks victims then emails booby-trapped bogus speeding tickets

find users who cut cat tail

Re: They'll probabaly start doing it for real

> Your solution is like people who protest police violence by rioting and destroying cop cars.

No, he actually protests by following the stupid rules to the letter.

It's nuts but 'shared' is still shorthand for 'worthless'

find users who cut cat tail

> There’s not much reason for this attitude beyond the persistence of inertia, and the irrational demand that students ‘learn’ something.

Yes, there is a reason. You can get often some useful little bits of information by on-line search easily. But if you want to be able to think in a new problem domain it is often next to useless and you need to actually learn something.

And if you do not learn to learn things in school, where and when you will learn it?

Swedish publishers plan summer ‘Block Party’ to thwart ad blockers

find users who cut cat tail

Re: I'd love to turn off ad blocking

Ads? After one of the epilepsy-inducing flashing images at the top of the article, I even started blocking regmedia.co.uk. And the site looks much better now.
