* Posts by find users who cut cat tail

367 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Mar 2016


CIA boss: Make America (a) great (big database of surveillance on citizens, foreigners) again!

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Here is the thing you need to watch out for: meta data collection

> Sorry, but I can't continue considering the US as part of the developed world.

And that is where you got it wrong. The US is a developed country. It is just further along the civilisation development path and entered (or is about to enter) the ‘rot from within and crumble’ stage. Occasionally, civilisations go out with a bang but let us hope it does not come to that in the US case because the bang could be a nuclear one...

We will all get to this stage eventually. Where I live we just have the (dubious) luck of being quite far behind in the civilisation game.

Trump's 'cyber tsar' Giuliani among creds leaked in mass hacks

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Oh no — pwned! Or not.

> An appearance of someone's records in Have I Been Pwned? should not imply that they have been hacked

But surely records cannot get there completely randomly?

Well, just out of curiosity I tried entering my e-mail address -- one that every spammer already has (been pretty much public since late 90s).

And of course it led to a big red ‘Oh no — pwned!’ page. The reason being a ‘paste’. That is a random Pastebin copy of file(1) magic database to which I contributed, and so it contains my e-mail. Why something like this was picked up, no idea.

Happy birthday: Jimbo Wales' sweet 16 Wikipedia fails

find users who cut cat tail
Thumb Up

Well, a Wikipedia bashing article that was both entertaining and informative (in that order). I hope Andrew is taking notes...

Brilliant phishing attack probes sent mail, sends fake attachments

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Sigh. Not again.

> I don't use PDFs for personal reasons (they are essentially a picture

Sorry, but this is wrong.

You might come across some poorly created PDFs that are indeed disorganised mess and no better than a picture. A reasonably structured PDF, however, allows not just extraction of all text (and the text makes sense) but can be imported into a vector graphics editor (again retaining the structure). If you edit PDFs in MS Paint you do not understand what PDF is -- it is *vector* graphics (plus some other bits).

That said, if you want to send me text just send me a plain text, not PDF. If you want to send me vector graphics send me a SVG, not PDF. And if you want to send me a MS DOC file just send me a plain text because most likely you are ‘typographically challenged’ and the formatting will only hurt my eyes. But if you want to send me final formatted work intended for printing, yes, send me a PDF, not a JPEG inserted to PowerPoint. It is vector graphics so as a bonus I can extract text and images and make adjustments -- if the PDF was not created by a moron.

Now that's a Blue Screen of Death: Windows 10 told me to jump off a cliff

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Re: Methinks MSFT (and some here) are taking this too seriously.

From the ‘Progressive Left’ part (with Excessive Capitalisation) I'd say you got the right-minded and politically-right minded mixed up. The latter can be offended as easily.

Cache flush: AI poker bot to compete against top players in tourney

find users who cut cat tail

Re: This spells the death of internet poker...

You almost make it sound as if the death of internet poker was a bad thing. There are fields where the rise of AIs (and, more often, ‘‘AIs’’) makes me worried but internet poker is not among them.

Fedora 25: You've got that Wayland feelin', oh, that Wayland feelin'

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Unfortunately, the fact you are so happy with GNOME 3 (and talk only about GNOME 3) means I have to distrust also everything else in the review. It does not even matter who of us is sane and who is the crazy one, or if we both are crazy. The abyss between our expectations of what should work and how things should behave is just too wide and deep. For me GNOME 3 is the closest thing to a proof that aliens are among us, and are apparently trying to take over desktop environment development, as I can get...

Of course, I will start cautiously testing upgrades to F25 anyway -- workstations always with XFce. That's life with Fedora...

MPs suggest introducing web blocking to tackle suicide rates in UK

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Black Helicopters

> Not being able to access a website won't stop someone from having suicidal feelings.

Seeing the government attempting to control every aspect of my life and blocking access to websites may actually strengthen suicidal feelings. At least mine...

Beauty is in the AI of the beholder: Young blokes teach computer to judge women by their looks

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Please stop saying papers were ‘published by arXiv’ which sounds like someone actually published the thing. While, in fact, the paper was uploaded to arXiv [by the authors] or perhaps made available in arXiv [by the authors].

Governments 'one step behind' tech firms in tracking tax – Meg Hillier

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Oh no! They are obeying the law!

You are right tax avoidance is legal but the rest is utter nonsense. Or please explain how, by not smoking, I achieve the same effects as if I was smoking, just without the taxes. Tax avoidance means figuring out how to pay as low taxes as possible (legally) while you do what you do, not closing a business and go fishing instead, even though that would likely result in in lower taxes.

Thank $DEITY your example did not include a car analogy...

Crims using anti-virus exclusion lists to send malware to where it can do most damage

find users who cut cat tail

> What on earth makes you think malware is exclusive to Windows?

That is exactly the point. Malware is not exclusive to MS Windows so the affected OSes should be mentioned.

Standards body warned SMS 2FA is insecure and nobody listened

find users who cut cat tail

Re: SMS isn't really two factor

> 1. Seal somebody's mobile.

OK, still following you...

> 2. Email's already logged in. Now I know their account.

... and now you lost me. There is no e-mail on the phone. The phone cannot send or receive e-mails even if it wanted. It cannot communicate with the computer for with it provides the second factor even if it wanted. It is a bloody phone.

If you do everything from your smartphone then yes, you are already screwed.

But I do not understand what is so bad on SMS as the second factor if the primary authentication is via a PC that have to be hacked (or at least sufficiently fooled) completely independently for an attack to succeed.

And I especially do not understand how *removing* that SMS factor would help me.

Three certainties in life: Death, taxes and the speed of light – wait no, maybe not that last one

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Science? What happened to "hypothesis" vs "theory"?

> But I find the current state of physics disturbing.

You may get this impression from encountering only mangled snippets of physics in popular media. Anything that involves hand-waving and Einstein being wrong has a chance being reported, no matter how crackpot. But that is something only a handful of people do. The second possibility to be mentioned is ‘It will make magically computers much faster’ or something similar, which is physics + material science -- lots of people do this and it is [usually] real science but then of course comes the nonsensical hype reporting. But even then, most physicists work in other subfields, and as there is little media hype there is also little bullshit.

Poison .JPG spreading ransomware through Facebook Messenger

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Poison .JPG spreading ransomware through Microsoft Windows

> its not a jpeg.


See the article title...

Hacker dishes advanced phishing kit to hook clever staff in 10 mins

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Dumb?

> I'd say anyone who passes any credentials via email qualify as Dumb.

Like: Send me your public SSH key by signed and encrypted e-mail (obviously, after PGP keys were exchanged and are trusted)?

Facebook Fake News won it for Trump? That's a Zombie theory

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Re: Post-truth -> Browser Extension 'Fake News' filter

> 3800 hours of sunshine a year where I am at

That would probably kill me in less than a year. I would even opt for 3800 hours of rain and snow rather than that. The so-called bad weather can be dealt with using reasonably protective functional clothing and then it can be quite enjoyable. Sunshine and heat on the other hand, are a terrible pervasive things you cannot really hide from.

Microsoft's cmd.exe deposed by PowerShell in Windows 10 preview

find users who cut cat tail

Re: ksh or nothing, thank heavens for cygwin

People who want a real shell are probably already using one.

People who use the command line sporadically (or visit MS Windows sporadically) will not notice anything (the better case) or be confused and annoyed because of things they learned inexplicably breaking (the worse case).

People who really like PowerShell (whoever they are) have already figured out how to use it.

So who will benefit? Dunno.

The list of of things PowerShell can do sounds to me a list of things ‘Why the hell a *shell* should do that?’

'Pavement power' - The bad idea that never seems to die

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I did not bother. If the statement was followed with `but that is obvious bullshit' I would continue reading. But there was actually another paragraph before the article started to correct the statements (in a convoluted way). Sorry, seeing such bullshit and no correction in sight I just stop reading.

find users who cut cat tail

> each footfall can generate between 4W and 8W

Stopped reading here. A footfall can generate some energy, i.e. some Joules. Watts are units of power, i.e. energy per time, so it is meaningless to assign Watts to one footfall.

Pay up or your data gets it. Ransomware highwaymen's attacks on small biz octuple

find users who cut cat tail

Re: You can reduce/eliminate the risk yourself

> deny command prompt and scripting unless really needed

If you deny people shell (or any scripting) you might as well force them using MS Windows for their work. Or a phone. Or a TV remote...

Maybe working mostly in academic sphere distorts my views but here everyone using Unix-like system uses shell. No exceptions. Even many MS Windows people use scripting (often Python).

NHS IT bod sends test email to 850k users – and then responses are sent 'reply all'

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Speak to Hillary

> Trump fans thumbing me down.

Funny how someone seeing everything through partisan glasses (because everyone liking the joke must obviously be a Trump supporter, right?) asks others to `leave your political jokes at the door please'.

Anti-ultrasound tech aims to foil the dog-whistle marketeers

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I cannot see why my computers should display ads at all. Or my mobile phones (well, at present mine even cannot do so, but that is beside the point). Or why, when I have a mobile phone with me in the mall, it should be taken out of the bag if no one calls me. I am that old?

Microsoft puts Windows Updates on a diet with 'differential downloads'

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Ummm

> Do any Linux distributions do it that way? Hmmm, apart from paid Red Hat / SuSE. Everything else (CentOS, Debian, *buntu, etc) retrieves the latest package list from a mirror site, compares that to the local install, then pulls down only the outdated bits.

This is wrong in so many points that I do not know where to start. From how delta packages actually work? Or in which distros they work? Or...

Rise of the photon clones: New method could lead to 'impenetrable' comms

find users who cut cat tail

Re: "impenetrable privacy"

You cannot clone a quantum state (and I hate the article for using this term). You can *transfer* the state exactly to another particle but then you always lose it completely in the original particle. This is pretty fundamental.

This ‘‘doesn't mean it can't be done’’ but the physics required would be beyond current quantum mechanics, and most likely beyond the Standard Model.

And for our next trick, says Google while literally wheeling out a humongous tablet ...

find users who cut cat tail

> Handy it's got NFC as can drag it to Starbucks and use it to pay for a coffee

If you haggle you might even get a couple of coffees for it.

Brute force cred crunchers gifted Username Anarchy

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Missing third half

You can have my username. Good luck guessing my SSH key. Because you need that to log in.

My moment face-to-face with Google's AI: It feels your pain, sometimes

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If they can detect fake joy now, they have still some way to go...


Russian hackers target MH17 journalists for embarrassing Putin

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Re: Oh, the giggles!

> I will not touch the MH17 can of worms. It is no use, the true facts are unavailable to me...

This makes Putin very happy.

He does not need (not at this moment anyway) everyone believing his propaganda. For him it is sufficient that people believe everything is propaganda, making truth worthless.

Forgive me, father, for I have used an ad-blocker on news websites...

find users who cut cat tail

Re: No guilt at all

> You expect to consume the content, and not pay the price.

I have no ads on my sites. So that is what I expect on other sites. I call that reciprocity...

If the content-for-ads model becomes completely untenable, I am fine with that. It mainly promotes clickbait anyway. Yes, running the servers is not free so someone has pay. In my opinion, if the thing is worth it, someone will (whether producers or consumers or in what ratio, that depends).

Naked, drunken Swede assaults chicken shed after 60th birthday

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Hmm?

The image of multiple Chucks fleeing the scene was too strong. Need another beer...

Official: Cloud computing is now mainstream

find users who cut cat tail

Re: The missing details

That is exactly my sentiment. I see around movement to the cloud more as putting some things there that are not critical (in multiple senses) when it is convenient -- and when the cloud brings a hailstorm not much is lost. The critical parts are kept local for reasons technical, legal, ... and because it just bloody makes more sense. I cannot see anything that you want working for 20+ years (or have been working for that long or any combination thereof) being moved to the cloud.

Labour's Jeremy Corbyn wants high speed broadband for all. Wow, original idea there

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Socialism?

> The downvotes are probably from people too young to remember pre- Bliar socialism...

My downwote is from someone who remembers well socialism in East Europe as he lived there and thinks you have no bloody idea what socialism looks like if you think there was any in the UK, pre-Blair or not.

North Korea unveils its home-grown Netflix rival – Manbang

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Re: @AC Typical monolinguistic anglophone

I can give you a reverse example: Here the usual equivalent of English ‘Really?’ is ‘Fakt?’ and a bit more emphatic form is ‘Fakt, jo?’. People say it a lot. And you do not need any hint what English speakers hear beside perhaps noting that ‘j’ is pronounced as ‘y’ in English...

UK tops European charts ... for carder fraud

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Wait what?

> Please tell us what you do.

Choose the cash on delivery payment option (which fortunately seems to be relatively common around here).

Hello, Barclays? Why hello, John Smith. We meet again

find users who cut cat tail

Not again. Voice (as any biometrics) is for recognition, not authentication.

Mobile broadband now cheaper than wired, for 95 per cent of humanity

find users who cut cat tail

Agreed. The price of mobile broadband comparable to my wired one (~$15/month, no limits whatsoever) would be ridiculous here.

Star Trek Beyond: An unwatchable steaming pile of tribble dung

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Nahh, the old Star Trek was for nerds...

> Next episode the Enterprise will hunt Pokemons...

Well, that at least can be so silly that it would be funny...

Judge gives Zuck a US$6 million Brazilian

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Admittedly, I have only a vague idea how WhatsApp works.

Anyway if the communication is end-to-end, encrypted on one end by one user and decrypted at the other end by another user, then the communication WhatsApp transmits are the encrypted messages. I am sure they are willing to provide them.

When I encrypt something, burn it on a CD and send by mail, the post office does not have any obligation to provide decryption keys. They are just handling the encrypted package as I sent it.

That was an extreme example but where is the boundary? How far must WhatsApp detach itself from the encryption to become just like the post office? Or is it there already? I am curious.

We have hit peak Silicon Valley: New crazy goal to disrupt entire cities

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> Should we have human-driven cars at all?" (Spoiler: yes.)

A few human-driven cars can be useful I guess. Still, most humans should not drive cars, they are pretty bad at it and prone to hurt themselves and other people. Letting any idiot drive a car is like letting any idiot carry gun in public... Wait a sec.

Gun-jumping French pols demand rapid end to English in EU

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Die beste Sprache

> In my experience more East Europeans speak German then English.

I am East European with Germany and Austria as neighbours and, no, we don't. Historically, we were forced to learn German -- and Russian more recently -- here so indeed a number of people can speak some, especially older people. But much fewer like it and younger people generally all learn English, anything else is mostly third language.

Apple quietly launches next-gen encrypted file system

find users who cut cat tail

Re: checklist

> Imagine you are *speaking* to someone who asks where you saved some file

Currently filesystems do not prevent the creation of file called PHO when a file called ΡН0 (note the Greek and Cyrillic letters) already exist. Do you propose that to be also forbidden or what? These two names are certainly even more difficult to distinguish over phone. The entire ‘speaking’ argument is just nonsense.

find users who cut cat tail

Re: checklist

> Could someone please explain to me whey being case insensitive is stupid ?

Because I do not want some crazy complex locale-dependent character case handling code in my filesystems.

What? You meant case insensitivity just for your puny 26 characters? Well, that is obviously stupid.

> Imagine you are *speaking* to someone who asks where you saved some file - whatever filename you tell them you cannot assume that the name alone identifies the file. You must also specify the precise capitalisation you used...

No you don't. I might because I have files called like glyph-A.png and glyph-a.png (*) and would happily do so. You will not create any such files because you are so afraid of them so the situation cannot arise.

(*) Actual names a bit more complicated than that.

Universe's shock rapidly expanding waistline may squash Einstein flat

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Re: I'd put good money...

> As a physicist I have seen this so many times and Einstein wins every time.

Actually, Einstein's late fight with some parts of quantum mechanics seems, at this moment, quite misguided. There is a rather general consensus that in fact ‘god plays dice with the universe’. There are no hidden variables, the Bell's inequalities are violated and while quantum mechanics does not permit transmitting information faster than the speed of light, there is something odd with entangled particles from the relativity standpoint: Bell inequalities are violated even when no information could not propagate between the two parts of the experiment.

So, fail.

You deleted the customer. What now? Human error - deal with it

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Never delete anything.

We are no CERN but a TB of experimental data is still not that hard to produce...

There is a huge difference between the scale of data humans can produce themselves and data than can be acquired by some automated process.

Earth's core is younger than its crust surface

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Re: What is time

> That's actually been shown experimentally!

Sure, it has been *measured* thanks to the insane precision of nuclear clocks. I was talking about direct sensory input, ‘feeling’ that time goes differently in different pats of your body. Which should be a funny feeling, except for the terrible tidal forces killing you instantly.

find users who cut cat tail

Re: What is time

Each observer has its own ‘proper time’ and for everyone their proper times clock at exactly the same speed, as far as any time-like factors in laws of physics are concerned. Beside that you can define more or less arbitrary space-time coordinates, which is done routinely in general relativity, but they are just that, arbitrary coordinates.

You can observe that proper times of distant objects go slower or faster (i.e. physical processes appear to be slower or faster) -- which is exactly the difference between the crust and core times here.

Humans simply experience their proper times because that is the physical time determining the evolution of everything. In principle you can imagine a time difference for instance between your head and limbs, but for any non-negligible difference the corresponding tidal forces would be enormous.

EU wants open science publication by 2020

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> ...when I learnt I needed to pay 50 bucks for a copy, I simply didn't bother.

There are dubious Russian servers, friends at institutions that happen to have access, ...

But it is sad that we have to resort to such measures. Especially for finding out what has already been done and is known in some area (as opposed to getting a couple of crucial papers) it is absolutely terrible. Paying 40 [€£$] for a paper you spend a couple of minutes with before concluding it is not relevant/interesting... Seriously?

Republicans move to gut FCC and crush its net neutrality crusade with paralyzing budget rules

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Re: GOP throws hissy fit, tries to end party

> Especially since any socialism attempt turns quickly into some form of socialist party capitalism.

Evidence needed. Pretty much the only place where this really happened is China. And even there it did not happen quickly.

After 40 years of socialism in my country, there were lots of notable miserable things, but socialist party capitalism was not one of them.

Pointless features add to browser bloat and insecurity

find users who cut cat tail

Re: Dubious

Do not presume.

SVG means Scalable Vector Graphics was designed for that and is pretty good for this purpose. I have most of my drawings (i.e. vector graphics) in SVG. Well, the Inkscape dialect in fact, but that is another matter...

As anything, it can be misused and SVG 1.1 contains interactive stuff I am not fond of, but if people stopped using JPEGs for line drawings and replaced them with SVGs the web would be a bit better place.

Want a better password? Pretend you eat kale. We won't tell anyone

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It depends. As L0ve has smaller probability than Love, an optimal strategy will find it later. A real software may not, but I hazard to say most will. Which, by definition, makes it more difficult to crack.

So, dunno why so many downvotes. They can be both cracked easily -- but that was not the question.
