Not onl;y that
It seems no-one in the USA has heard of the BOFH.
400 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Aug 2007
I had one this very morning, apparently from "Rt Hon David Cameron MP". It starts:
"I am The Rt Hon David Cameron MP,Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service British Government."
OK, no arguments there. Posh Boy then says there's an ATM card with my name on it and two million quid on offer. I have asked Dave the Chameleon to leave it under the brown wheelie bin as the thought of passing my personal details to space peanut William Hague makes me feel slightly ill.
However, the thing which *really* makes me doubt its veracity is right at the bottom, where the message concludes:
The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP
Prime Minister"
Oh dear...
Those dribbling cretins have had THIRTEEN years to sort out the mess that is the British electoral system, but it takes until exit polls indicate that they're going to lose big-time before the likes of Lord Voldemort and Piers "Morgan" Moron come out and say so. I don't which is worse: the incompetence of this shower of dunces or having to go on record that Moron and I agree on something.
(Exit, pursued by a Bloke waving a Conservative Party membership application form)
It's all very well to talk about Our Boys going down to the South Atlantic and giving Johnny Gaucho a good kicking, but Our Boys appear to be Involved in a Land War in Asia which doesn't look like ending any time soon (about 2050 would be my guess). BRITAIN does not, however, seem to be suffering from a shortage of jingoistic idiots, so perhaps conscription of empty-headed Daily Heil readers is an option worth pursuing.
Black helicopter borrowed from the US Marines.
"Stop people writing blogs, stop any letters to the local rag about the council's plans."
And bring an immediate halt to the heinous practice of commenting on El Reg during the hours of daylight?
We're I a Mank. Utd. foopballer, I should take great pleasure in telling The Mgt where to stick its pettifoggery.
...I've got an idea.
Instead of spending twenty billion sovs on "upgrading" Trident (What's wrong with the current version? No iPod connectivity?), a weapon system which we do not want, cannot use and are not certain how to operate, why not spend the cash on something useful, like schools, hospitals, helichopters which work etc. etc. Sorted.
Also the only common factors between the E21 BMW 3-series and the fifth-generation E90 model currently in production are the badge and the woeful lack of standard equipment, such as indicators.
"Iraq war $1T - 4330 Americans Dead - over 30,000 wounded. Reason: catch-Osama-but-he's-to-smart-for-you-dumb-shits-so-mission-waste-of-time."
Er, wrong war.
IRAQ is supposedly about weapons of mass destruction, or Saddam Hussein being a genocidal loon with a crap moustache and simply shocking taste in interior décor, and not at all about the world's second largest oil reserves, no sirree. Also, it's unwinnable.
AFGHANISTAN is supposedly about wiping out Moslem insaniacs who "we" would never in a million years approach with suitcases full of money in exchange for building pipelines from assorted former Soviet republics or supply with weapons to fight the Formidable Red Army. Also, it's unwinnable.
"So if you've got some uranium or plutonium compounds stored inside the bunker and someone manages to penetrate it and blow the bloody doors off, isn't that going to result in toxic compounds being released to the atmosphere and harming the planet?"
Very probably. Now, remind me again of the last time the US Military-Industrial Complex actually /cared/ about That Sort Of Thing?
...what worries me is not so much that the News Of The Screws is doing this - it's not so different from raking through dustbins or taking photographs of minor royals using a lens the size of a 155mm howitzer - but that the phone companies' security is so crap that even private eyes and Filthy Lying Journalist Scum can do it.