* Posts by timnich

12 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Mar 2016

'Massive game-changer for UK altnet industry': BT-owned UK comms backbone Openreach hikes prices on FTTP-linked leased line circuits


Re: Backhaul limitations

Not sure of your argument here, you say there is pretty much no choice then mention some who have been making a difference, I get out enough to work with an AltNet laying Fibre in a rural area and BT have done nothing in response.

My point was that there is an alternative option, not that other suppliers were necessarily using it. However, if they get squeezed more they may start to reconsider this option.


Backhaul limitations

"'alternative' ISPs who are building their own FTTP networks currently have no choice but to use the former state monopoly's network infrastructure for backhaul"

This is not true. You can lease dark fibre right into LINX using the likes of ZAYO who have a comprehensive backbone covering most of the country.

The proposals strengthen the case for small providers using this sort of option.

The healing hands of customer support get an acronym: Do YOU have 'tallah-toe-big'?



I have experienced many similar occurances of my 'presence' being enough to enable 'malfunctioning' technology to 'behave itself'.

I recall one particular occasion where I was required to stand in a particular place, within 'aura' range of the sound recording equipment while recording took place on a Pinewood Sound stage. Otherwise the sound equiment would start to 'do its own thing' which did not include making satisfactory recordings.

Go figure.

UK good for superfast broadband, crap for FTTP – Ofcom


Misleading stats

9/10 may have access to a vdsl (fttc) connection, but a fair % of those will be too far away from the cabinet to get anywhere near 30M.

You should install smart meters even if they're dumb, says flack


If the meters were really smart, they would provide all the real time info without requiring the backhaul connection.

I therefore conclude that the meters are simply dumb units capable of remote interrogation (backhaul connection permitting), with all the smartness residing in a data centre somewhere.


Re: I want one, but only because our meters are in an awkward spot

I used to be able to read the meter under the stairs by opening the door, bending slightly, and peering in. Now I have to get down on my knees, shuffle up to the meter and press a button 4 times.

Aparently this is progress.

Installing meters under the stairs, in the centre of properties in marginal mobile reception areas is to coin a phrase, an omnishambles.

Samsung: Don't install Windows 10. REALLY


Re: A bit feckin' late to be saying that now?

My Rf711 winged about some incompatibility or other with some driver or other, but nonetheless seems to be working, so not quite sure what bit is 'broken'


Samsung speak with forked tongue

On the US side of the sammy website are instructions on how to do a Win 10 upgrade, which unfortunately is what Google threw up for me when I searched after MS said my machine was suitable for upgrade (Well I wasn't just going to take their word for it was I). Even more unfortunately they fail because inexcusably the post upgrade Sammy s/w that needs installing is signed by a cert that is over two years out of date, and persuading win 10 to ignore the revoked certs is not something I have yet achieved.

One can't but help feel that once Sammy have your cash, they're not really interested in you any more.

Cash, fear and uncertainty: The Holy Trinity of Bitcoin and blockchain


Twiiter on the blockchain

"From a non-commercial perspective, some sort of new version of Twitter that used a blockchain to record messages would fit that model because all the messages ("transactions") are public, and getting everyone to trust each other is impossible"

Such a thing exists I believe. It is called "Twister" Much loved by the Chinese as it seems to get round the great firewall of China. See http://twister.net.co

Apple Macs, iPhones, iPads, Watches, TVs can be hijacked by evil Wi-Fi, PDFs – update now


So who needs Appl'es help to crack an Apple phone then?

Just wondering if any of these will make it harder for the Fed's to crack *that* phone without Apple's help...

So where has the legal 'right' to 10Mbps broadband gone?


10M? lets get to 2M first!

And on the sme day this article was posted I get a flyer telling me I 'may'* be eligible for subsidised sattellite BB if I can't get a 'basic' 2M.

*But aparently not, as I'm in a 'superfast area' with an anticipated speed of 6.5M over VDSL/fibre. Wow!

Samsung PC, laptop owner? Better update the update tool


..not to mention their out of date certs

Last time I tried to update the updater(within the last month), as per their instructions, it failed due to being signed with a 2 year out of date cert.

When I queried this with them, they could give me no timeframe for when they might actually renew their certs, so I am not convinced they take security very seriouly at all.