Re: Perhaps I'm getting old but ..
They mixed it up with the drug methamphetamine aka crystal meth (not methylated spirits):
13 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Mar 2016
And anybody who knows me tends to say I shop like a girl. But, you know, a quick look between my legs and pretty much sort out that nonsense.
Don't worry, I'm sure the gender police will be along shortly to change your transgressive behaviour/poorly-matched genitals.
There is too much money at stake to do anything else.
Exactly. Considering there are already competitive alternatives like the HTC Vive, it could be really bad for Oculus if games could be modded to run on alternate VR headset. Save the mods for when their market and brand is stable.
Updating my 5th gen from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 was pretty painless. It didn't seem to want to work via Wifi so I downloaded the binary from Amazon, drag and drop, unmount, cycle power, and nothing. Cycle power again and nothing. Sigh~~ So I made some tea, forgot all about it and came back to it mid-installing without USB power (the horror!), but it was mostly charged to begin with. I have my books backed up already so didn't bother with making a backup, though I did make a mental note of the 'page' I was on, just in case.