Re: Relevant to the story
> Unless the UK waives the two year exit negotiation period...
---> I've actually read Article 50 and there is no provision for that
You're right. Much of the Leave spin has been about Hard Brexit and simply moving onto WTO standards rather than suffer the humility of trying to negotiate a suitable deal the remaining 27 member states might not give us. Therefore, technically, Parliament could take us out of the EU by simply passing a law to do that. Boris is good at acting like a surly child on the international stage but even for him this might be a step too far.
---> So all EU laws and regulations in place at the end of the 2 years would apply, if I understand May's idea of a Great Repeal Bill.
Yes, apart from the ones which conflict with whatever Brexit deal we do such as the ECJ being the supreme court and freedom of movements etc.