* Posts by matchbx

81 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Aug 2007


Windows 10 will now automatically download and install on PCs

Big Brother


Turning Windows update OFF on every single Windows 7 PC I own......

Fretful Amazon wishes it could get more Android action


What a load of crap

"Amazon reportedly wants “deeper integration” with Android to persuade more phone makers to promote Amazon services."

What a complete load of Crap. Starting in the 80's and 90's and continuing to this day, retail companies realized they could make more money putting you into debt than they could selling you their product. They no longer care about the products they sell, only the amount of debt you rack up on their charge cards.

Today software companies (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon... have I forgotten anyone) have realized they can make more money selling your online habits to the advertisers than they can selling software.

I stopped using amazon's app store right after they came out with "amazon underground".... let me own everything you do on your phone and you can use these apps free.. F off..... amazon

F off microsoft

F off apple

F off google

Start selling your product and not ME and my online habits.

American cable giants go bananas after FCC slams broadband rollout


Re: Thanks FCC

The FCC doesn't really have to make the scumbag corporation do anything.... They, the FCC, just need to end the geographical monopolies that are currently allowed.

The main reason, IMHO, you have this disconnect with speed and availability is one company can not come in offer service on another company's turf.

this is because the cable companies lobbied congress and congress allows this bullshit to take place......END THE MONOPOLIES and let the real competition begin.

13,000 Comcast customers complain to FCC over data caps


Yep... I figured half as much

This confirms what I've said in the past.... The comcast executives sit around in the board room and figure out way to gouge their customers for more money. They are greedy pieces of human flesh.

How to solve a Rubik's Cube in five seconds

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That's the way I figured it out

I think I was 12 or 13 when I first solved the rubiks cube. My fastest time was only 5 or 6 minutes, but I basically used the tool you described. I figured out how to move a single corner piece from point A to point B without impacting any other piece.

Who's right on crypto: An American prosecutor or a Lebanese coder?

Big Brother

Re: Nope, don't care

"Obviously, careful oversight and monitoring would be required, but being innocent of that of which you are suspected and having your data searched is not radically different from being innocent and having your home searched."

the main problem here is at some point in the future some government agency will circumvent the "careful oversight". and they will have a really good reason for doing so.

Microsoft chief Satya drops an S bomb in Windows 10, cloud talk


just for those who need things clarified

"we will manage your data in accordance with the law of the land"

Translation: "we will sell your data to whoever pays us the most!"

TPP: 'Scary' US-Pacific trade deal published – you're going to freak out when you read it

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won't convince me otherwise

Anytime people of privilege, wealth and power negotiate anything in secret it is never about anything but more privilege, more wealth, more power and control over others.

At Microsoft 'unlimited cloud storage' really means one terabyte


Someone wasn't using their brain

They could have left it unlimited, but simply limited the amount you could upload per day.

Would have saved them a lot of ticked off customers......

How Microsoft will cram Windows 10 even harder down your PC's throat early next year


Go to hell

To Microsoft,




A .NET Developer Since 2002

Caption this: WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


Re: Calm Your Mind

Sirsasana is actually the name of the that yoga pose.


Calm Your Mind

Calm your mind with Lenovo's latest device Sirsasana.

Well, what d'you know: Raising e-book prices doesn't raise sales


wow.... they really are brain dead

One high-level publishing executive disputed that the Amazon pacts are behind the e-book sales decline. “This is a title-driven business,” he said. “If you have a good book, price isn’t an issue.”

This just goes to show you how out of touch with reality these idiots are.

Using SQL techniques in NoSQL is OK, right? WRONG


Re: Pick any two: fast, reliable or quick

Sounds like what I've been told for years, there are three sides to any project.....

Time, Money and Quality.

Pick any two....

Amazon comes up with delivery-drone zones after watching Fifth Element all night


Re: Fairground

yes.... the crazies are already doing just that...



as usual

xkcd has the answer.


Yahoo! displaces Ask in Oracle's Java update crapware parade


wow..didn't know yahoo would sink so low

Sometimes I would visit Yahoo for answers to questions I was searching for....never again. Just added Yahoo to my blocked site list.... just in case I forget.

Comcast sued for – you guessed it – allegedly SCREWING OVER CUSTOMERS


I HATE comcast

I think the people that run comcast sit around thinking of ways to gouge money out of anybody and everybody they do business with. Take their precious "on demand" service. Great service till you realize it's something that your're paying for and yet you have to watch more commercials using "on demand" than you do with live TV.

What does this mean..... it means they are double dipping. Customer's are paying for the service (no it's not itemized on the bill, but they won't let you drop it either) and they are getting paid by the advertisers.

Run by nothing but greedy pieces of human garbage.


Re: Villiany, thy name is Comcast!

That's if you can find one. They shut the one in my town down. Nearest one is almost 20 miles away.

The Shock of the New: The Register redesign update 4

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Re: Still no Print link?

Thank you very much, I was not aware of that tidbit.


either do one of two things.... stop posting articles with multiple pages or bring back the print button.

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Re: Still no Print link?

kindly explain to me how to print a 5 page article without clicking and printing each page one at a time.

Help-desk hell


ahhh the powers of MS Word

Got a call from a Quality Engineer concerning returned emails when replying to all. I arrive at her desk and she proceeds to show me how she uses "Reply All" on an email sent to a group of engineers. Several of the emails would be returned with the standard undeliverable message.

She then proceeds to tell me she's positive someone with that email address exists "cause when I copy and paste their email address in MS Word, it turns blue.... See". She proceeds to demonstrate.

I had to politely explain to her that it was just formatting and that Word wasn't dynamically searching the entire internet for valid email addresses.

FCC fingers Comcast VoIP favoritism



I have been with Vonage for almost 2 years and have had very little problem. Over the last 2 or 3 weeks, every phone call that lasts for more than 8 or 10 minutes get dropped. If I could switch providers I would, but it's comcast or dialup.

Comcast Executives can ROT IN HELL!!!!!!!

Parents plant spyware to snare sex predator


@ John Woods

Love the VNC idea... I use VNC at work all the time, but it hasn't occured to me to use it at home. Maybe it's because my kids aren't old enough to use a computer alone yet. Thanks for the tip.

Nintendo sounds Wii-free Xmas warning


Got mine yesterday

I walked into wally world yesterday to by my daughters b'day present and while I was there I noticed that they had just gotten in 10 or 15 units..... and they were going fast...

Paris Hilton exits missionary position to save Universe


@ By Sweep

You're very very close.

How bout

Paris Fucks Rwandans and Fingers Miss Universe at the same time.

manages to squeeze in shopping too.


Rwandans Screwed by Paris while she Fingers Miss Universe in Japan.

manages to squeeze in shopping too.


Paris Hilton in a foursome

Fingers Miss Universe, Screws Rwandan Charity, Shops with Sister all while in Japan.

inspired by: Sweep

MS keeps mum on 'Go Play' Xbox 360 Arcade edition


Pre Order Here


Wyse strips down thin client computers


Apple could learn something......

If Apple had used the same pricing structure....

8g model for 399 for the 1st month then raise the price by 100.

I think they would have sold twice as many units.

Swiss deploy glass airliner


re: Glass Boat

Must be a Glass Boat Factory in the area. Here's four more.

46°14'51.53"N 6°11'12.96"E

46°15'4.68"N 6°11'0.65"E

46°15'20.38"N 6°11'18.71"E

46°15'47.30"N 6°11'35.32"E


Governator vows to appeal ruling striking down video game law


Watch out MPAA

The complete removal of all movie ratings will be next.
