At the risk of 'banging on' again and again...
The Raspberry Pi is intended/designed as a £30 development platform / embedded platform. It is NOT a desktop PC replacement. The key feature is the price - the foundation have stated this over and over again. This low price inevitably constrains the other features so asking for dual Gigabit Ethernet, USB 3.0, SATA and 16GB of RAM is just ridiculous at this time. These functionalities would require a significant number of external chips/components that would place it nearer the £100 mark. If you need extra functionality to, say, create a router or a NAS, then buy one of the many other SBCs with these features; and pay the much higher price.
On the RPi3, I don't see Wi-Fi as a big deal as it's very easy to install a micro USB Wi-Fi 'n' adapter on the RPi/RPi2. I suppose the same applies for Bluetooth but having them integrated may be more power efficient and convenient. We shall see...