* Posts by gyaku_zuki

10 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Feb 2016

IT consultant who deleted every account on UK company Jet2's domain cops 5 months in jail


Re: far less [likely] to reoffend

I disagree - we have to allow people to properly reform. To me, the most likely reason he'd reoffend in this kind of way is bitterness about being turned away from any IT job ever (which is clearly his trained career path) for this.

Is it impossible to say that he's "learned his lesson" and therefore, given the punishment accrued, is less likely than average person to do this again? I am not sure we can consider recidivism of IT crime as the same as more common crimes, its not the same socio-economic profile and motives.

Telling him to reboot his life and train in something else, because he can never be trusted again, ever, is a pretty poor incentive to reform and return to being an upstanding contributing member of society.

It's a fullblown Crysis: Gamers press pause on PC purchases, shipments freeze


Re: Mature Product

Not only that, but gaming now is so diverse that even brand new games are often indie darlings, with retro styles or 2D aesthetics rather than groundbreaking realism.

The most fun I've had in ages has been "Slay the Spire" which is completely 2D, or "Darkest Dungeon". Heck, even things like Cuphead. Or look at the wild success of things like "Undertale", the South Park RPGs, etc.

Mega realistic and demanding AAA games will still have their place, but gameplay > graphics every single time.

Assange rape claims: Complainant welcomes Swedish investigation's reopening


Re: @gyaku_zuki Assange will not face tortutre or the death penalty in the US.

What does my 'number of recessions survived' count have anything to do with it? The point was about whether an increased economy is the only measure of success by which we should judge our leaders, as you implied, which it obviously isn't.


Re: Assange will not face tortutre or the death penalty in the US.

I'm so glad the economy is the only measure of success...

oh, wait.

'I do not wish to surrender' Julian Assange tells court over US extradition bid


Re: The USA wants Assange for what he did

I'm sorry, but were these people conscripted? Because otherwise, it seems to me they signed up for service knowing that there might be "a weapon being aimed at them" and other emotive imagery you used. And if its a matter of "growing up" after the first time they get in a firefight for real, sounds to me like a tacit admission that we send people into combat knowing they aren't actually making the decision to serve for sound reasons...

Moving on, if you're going to claim that the sound track has been altered or the footage taken out of context, you're going to need to actually offer some proof or reference, otherwise all it seems you've said is "people are narrow minded just because they disagree with me."

US: We'll pull security co-operation if you lot buy from Huawei


"The most fundamental security standard, really, is that you cannot have this extrajudicial, non-rule of law-compliant process where a government can tell its companies to do something,"

I can't actually believe this guy can say that with a straight face, when the US has been shown to have a history of doing that exact thing with secret, sealed courts to compel Facebook, Google, Apple, etc. to snoop. If there was at one point a moral highground where the US could claim it only used such powers for "good", it sadly lost it years ago. The US isn't trusted any more than China is at this stage.

Europe-style 5G standards testing? Consistent definitions? Who the fsck wants that, asks US mobe industry

Thumb Down

Re: China: Criminal Nation already spies on and rips off the world.

"INVENTED and MAINTAIN" the 5G standard how? Citation needed.

How is it more 'sensible' to go with a country like the USA who has also been noted to have been "spying on and stealing from the rest of the world" - thinking of the diplomatic cables showing the US was spying on allies for many years, PRISM etc.

I don't expect China to be any better, but let's not pretend that the USA is! And so, if you're going to be spied on either way, you may as well pay less...!

YouTube fight gets dirty: Kids urged to pester parents over Article 13


Re: "deny the rights of there own citizens to use that content in parodies"

Sorry, that's wrong. If I take a photo of you in a public place, I can sell it all I like - street party or not.

Do you think Getty reporters at a protest got every protester to individually sign a waiver before they sold it to Getty?

ADpocalypse NOW: Three raises the stakes


The writer answers his own question about net neutrality, stating that "throttling content = bad, throttling ads = good".

Spot on... the point about net neutrality is not messing with the INTENDED content. Not the unintended weeds that you are forced to accept along with. I didn't ask for the advert - I asked for the article.

No, HMG, bulk data surveillance is NOT inevitable


Wilson Doctrine

The best part of it for me is when they say "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" and then also turn around and say they are codifying in law the Wilson Doctrine, which means that parliamentarians cannot be spied on, snooped, or their data collected.