Re: Or you could...
The Natural Navigator ( by Tristan Gooley is a fantastic source of information about how to find your way without a compass or any tech.
15 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2016
Whatever the fails of the past I would say the It around vaccinations by NHS England has worked pretty well. I have done data entry as a CVA (COVID Vaccination Admin or words to that effect) for several thousand vaccinations, mostly at Aston Villa FC but also in other mass vaccination centres, at GP Surgeries and in a couple of hospitals. There are some inevitable frustrations - you can always come up with ways to improve any app - but overall the systems "just work". Data is keyed on NHS number and feeds back to the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) which is the System of Record for the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme in England. With over 115m vaccinations to date of course there will be some errors and missing records but overall I think we can be happily surprised at how well these systems work.
There is no absolute position that the personal pronoun for a team in Brit English is ‘they’ (see, eg, Noun-verb agreement on BBC Learning English at
We can use singular or plural verbs with many collective nouns depending on whether we are thinking of the group as a unit or as a collection of individuals.
In this case, “win for Liverpool - it won the English Premier League yesterday“ is what I would write but I think "they" is fine too.
"we have to assume everyone has a mobile phone and installs the app". No we don't; it doesn't have to be perfectly adopted or to perfectly judge distance by Bluetooth to have the potential to help. I can see the value of a central database in giving epidemiologists better information to help manage this pandemic, and also better insight for future pandemics.
I heard talk up front of sunset clauses that would ensure the data was deleted by a certain date. I don't think that is happening now, and worse, apparently a user has no right to request deletion of submitted data (if true, I don't know what exception the HMG is using to get through GDPR) and it appears selling on of the data is no longer excluded.
So, I have no problem with the principle of contributing personal data for overall Public Health benefit, and I started wanting to support the HMG app but the implementation looks worse and worse. Perhaps inevitable in any HMG IT project of this scale.
But I still expect to use the app.
PS I am one of the 3 million people voluntarily reporting through the COVID Symptom Tracker which has produced some interesting results already
Yes, it is a letter of intent that can be cancelled and I understand that if the order goes ahead and is delivered as planned starting in 2023, the 737 MAX will have been modified and shown to be safe. Apart from getting a better price, as you point out, IAG also secured delivery slots from the planned production run and that was most likely important too. I am still queasy about the timing of the announcement and the PR boost it gave Boeing while the crash investigations are underway, and the required fixes are still unknown and/or unroven.
I hated the good PR cover Boeing bought with this order: BA-owner IAG signs deal to buy 200 planes
As the most recent news shows, there are some pretty unpleasant flaws in the 737 MAX itself, and in the design, test and approval processes.
Willie Walsh is quoted as saying IAG had “every confidence in Boeing and expect that the aircraft will make a successful return to service in the coming months having received approval from the regulators”. Surely it is too early to say this with confidence, especially as the plane was not grounded after the first accident and Boeing/FAA were so reluctant to act even after the second. Boeing/FAA will have to be much more careful now the world is watching so I doubt there will be any quick fix.
I assume IAG got an outrageously good deal.
I occasionally use WhatsApp or Messenger for voice calls via WiFi when there is no mobile signal or where mobile voice and data is expensive (eg, on a recent holiday in Cabo Verde).
I also sometimes use them for voice calls when I want the phone to ring for a long time at the other end without diverting to voicemail (eg, trying to rouse my son who is a student)
I registered for West Midlands Railway on their website and then downloaded their app only to find I couldn't login because there was an "error in my username or password". I eventually read a help panel which said, in effect, "just use the first 10 characters of your password in the app" and it will work. And it did. Strangest app design and password management I have experienced.
Even now the app has this Password Help:
Our website and app now accepts passwords longer than 10 characters.
If you registered with us prior to 29 August 2018, your password will be 10 characters or less. To sign into the app, please use the first 10 characters of the password you created during your purchase or registration.....
I find it strange to be directly affected by The Donald, the US government and their dealings with China. Oreo was promised for Axon 7 in April, and by all accounts was pretty much ready when the ban on US sales to ZTE was announced. Just hope the global wheels turn far and fast enough for Oreo to be released sometime soon. Not that this matters much in the grander scheme of things! Sent from my Axon 7 in the UK. Still a good phone.
Many degrees taught in English. Zero fees for EU students. My son is at Lund University (not far from Malmo and only 40 mins by train from Copenhagen Airport). Cost of living higher than West Midlands but cheaper than London (though that assessment was made before the step change in exchange rates in late June). Still, it is a very much better bet than £30k of fees.