Is there any such thing as "IT"?
Especially in larger organizations, there isn't a single "IT" to orient in line "The Business" any more than there's only one "The Business" to orient with. There's the CIO office, with overarching responsibility for establishing standards and security, but doesn't actually run hardware or software. There's the networks group that runs the comms infrastructure and can theoretically shut anything off at the direction of the CIO office, but also claims that individual machines and unsactioned software pose a risk to their infrastructure. There's the mail team that want to be able to deliver everything that comes in, and the mailbox team that doesn't want them to. There's web server folks tapping their bandwidth meters, and the design team that never seem to have the same configurations as the web servers do. There's the Accounting folks that never want ANYTHING changed, and if you have to change it, only do so in February, May, August, or November, and the Marketing department that never talks to any of the above and instead hire their own programmers that set up ad hoc boxes all over the place running who knows what applications that all somehow become essential to actually selling the products. And every one of those groups has eight different "Businesses" to please, and two of the eight are other IT groups, competing with them for budget.