* Posts by Rooster

1 publicly visible post • joined 16 Feb 2016

IT's Holy Grail, but is DevOps a Poisoned Chalice for sysadmins?


Devs don't know Ops

If left to their own, Devs will produce a system that works for now. But they may well not think to add any of the things that the Ops half of the equation are there for:

* Backups that are reliable and tested and will work when they are needed. (321 rule)

* Monitoring that will warn you _before_ things fail (Out of disk space? Again?)

* Alerting for when things do fail.

* System updates and patching - 'cause new vulnerabilities come along all the time (e.g. heartbleed, etc.)

* Security: no, you can't just use one log-in for everything.

* Capacity planning

* High availability

* Scaling


The main benefit of DevOps is to get the Devs thinking about how their code will run in production _before_ the final deployment.