Re: Just "No"
@Archtech ..
"I'm not having that. It's a grotesque distortion of the truth, amounting in effect to a deliberate lie .. any fool can see that nobody is in control in Kiev."
Unfortunately, there are 14 such fools here ..
54 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Feb 2016
Please stop posting this neocon waffle on a technical website. Is this the same Ukraine that was the victim of a U.S. neocon inspired coup. The same people that were complicit in ousting the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. All organized out of the U.S. embassy. The U.S military industrial complex is in dire need of an enemy and are desperately trying to provoke the Russians. They care little for the consequences of their actions on their so-called allies. As Assistant Secretary of State Nuland once put it "fuck the E.U".
translated for clarity:
'iz that a promootion or de,mot1on f0r ro3n falk0witz!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? Doe zthew priv8 sectro provuide co/\/\mand and conTiorl to/of The public sectro, which obViously, ntualky, will eb tairlOeD to ensuring And assuring and insuring itsd 0minant advantage??????????????? olololollololololoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
is lbigty engag3d in ycber command op3rat1ons!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??? url ame the laX0r 0f vidence 0f 3vident success wpould suggest sa negative tro sub-prime performance LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~
Ffz kugb|\|1 ~ LOLOLOLLOOLOLOLOLOLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ !!!!!!!!!111 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 GET UR APT ACT1VITOGETEHr AND MAKE 4 FAB FABLESS SHOW, you r ablet o en4ble, r ypou n0t!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?'
President Priest blows up Cuba
Lexx episode 01 "I Worship His Shadow" (1997) ..
> Private Eye are not amused about the implications of this.
Private Eye were neutered a long time ago. Witness their total lack of interest in the 'Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse' farce. Exaronews were actually doing a better job until they got shutdown.
"District Judge Nina Tempia ruled that Love, who has Asperger’s Syndrome, should be handed over to the US authorities"
And of course the extradition treaty is totally asymmetrical as in under the same criteria, an American couldn't be extradited to the UK. It's not as if we were a real country anyway.
'CREST .. has signed an agreement with the National Security Agency .. to help grow its Cyber Incident Response Assistance programme, "while also ensuring the continued integrity of all aspects of the strict accreditation process,"'
translation: The NSA would like to install its own bugging equipment directly into ISP networking facilities.
"RT, the Kremlin’s English-language TV channel, is to be investigated for bias after it launched an inaccurate attack on a fracking company."
What evidence is there that it the hack was done by state-sponsored groups from China Who decided to put such confidential personal records on a computer connected to the Internet. Assuming that OPM was aware of a breech since 2005, why were 'fingerprint files' still doing on a computer accessible to the Internet right up to 2015.
The 'Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse' was designed to fail, as have all the others and it was never independent. IICSA was set up by then home Secretary Theresa May to shutdown the CSA inquiry. None of the sacked CSA members were on the new 'independent' inquiry. ref ref
"That's someway off earlier rumors of 9,000 to 14,000 redundancies, which would be about a fifth of the networking Borg's global headcount."
There is only the one technological BORG and we all know just who that is. You used to even have one such on here as an ICON, what ever happened to that? image
The 'Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse' was designed to fail, as have all the others and it was never independent. IICSA was set up by then home Secretary Theresa May to shutdown the CSA enquiry. None of the sacked CSA members were on the new 'independent' inquiry. ref ref.
Didn't Romney one time work at Bain, they make their money as investor consultants, the technique goes something like this. Identify an underperforming company and get hired on as investor - consultants. Then have the company take out loans for restructing etc. Then sell on the company and have the new buyers take on the 'debt'. Bain then walks away with a tidy sum both from fees and its 'investment' in the old company, then wash, rince and repeat.
| Bain & Company | Bain & Company |
"No rational person could blame Jeremy Corbyn for Brexit. So why are the Blairites moving against Corbyn now, with such precipitate haste? The answer is the Chilcot Report."
> Probably not, and maybe I shouldn't have been feeding the troll, but there is something morally repugnant about how the RMT have reacted to this, especially when it seems to include unofficial strike action.
Considering what these captains of industry get up to in there off time, I wouldn't go invoking 'morally repugnant' anywhere near this.
> The first lie is an argument over semantics
It isn't a mere argument over semantics. SR are moving guard duties to the drivers as part of their plan to introduce "driver-only operated" trains. Then it'll be the drivers responsibility to see no passengers are dragged under the train or caught in the doors. Something that is not at all rare. You may recall that recently some trains had to be canceled because the sun shone on the drivers rear view mirror and blinded him.
> why should anybody believe RMT rather than Southern Rail
Because generally speaking members of trade unions are people of integrity who perform the actual work that the officers and executives of Southern Rail then get paid large salaries and bonuses off of. The only people playing games with words here is you and your friend ;)
"Southern services are continue to be severely affected by train crew availability including a high level of conductor sickness." link link
Not a day goes by without a train being canceled because of driver unavailability. This had nothing to do with any alleged Union activity. The real reason being it's the results of a budgeting excercise on behalf of management. Keeping the number of crew on call at a critical level and banning overtime. All to save money.
'We're aware that a batch of firmware upgrades have failed and following this a small number of fibre customers with our HG633 router may have continual red lights indicating a faulty router that must be replaced. Please contact us here for a new router to be sent.' ref
Did anyone ever notice how the other one er .. 'Peter Lewis' always went out of his way to humiliate any ethnic types who came on the show. 'My shit is worth more than your company' being one such phrase comes to mind. That whole show just an excercise in massaging the egos of the presenters. A monkey throwing a dart at a board would have a better investment record.
W32.Qakbot in Detail: 'The worm arrives as an EXE file that is UPX packed with an additional custom encryption layer. Within the EXE is a DLL that contains the core functionality of Qakbot.'
The whiteman was created by a scientist named Yakub through selective breeding of the "original black man", which resulted in an evil creature given over to lying and murder. This scientific experiment came to fruition roughly six thousand years ago, on an island in the Aegean Sea called Patmos. This according to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
In the future it'll be illegal to own a printer that doesn't come with a Copyright Infringement Prevention device. Besides it sounds like great way of spying on the population, when everything you type is sent back to Minitrue head office. The Staatssicherheit could have only dreamed of such technology.
Reminds me of snap-ins, where you buy a GUI (eg the Microsoft Management Console (MMC)) and in order to create anything usefully, have to pay piecemeal for the actual components. Under .NET Core of course using these components doesn't exactly make your code cross platform, as the code will not run natively on the foreign platform without the presence of .NET Core, either resident on the native OS or compiled into the application. Even then you need to compile a different version for either Linux or Mac. Not exactly write-once-run-anywhere. Deciding to move your own code to a third party platform would also be an impossible and hugely expensive undertaking. Selling this a cross platform is a bit disingenuous don't you think?
Reddit: the go-to place for abortion porn and pictures of peoples cats.
"Why can’t I get sterilised in my 20s? Holly Brockwell"
I don't know, don't want to know and couldn't care less. What I would like to know is, why do certain people have a compulsion to blast out on the Internet every detail of their tiresome banal life.
ps: How to get yogurt stains off yer monitor, try Windowlene or Windex as it's known now.
"And there is here at least one El Reg commentard"
You're opinion is as valued as any other comentator on here.
"a’wondering on whether that which is lurking unsung and unpraised and unappraised in UK.gov kicks long awaited digi strategy into long grass"
I'm sorry but my intergalactic babelfish translator is having difficulty in following your thought processes:
ref: AAA action actors beta bigger bit climaxes coincidental collateral Command commentard Control controlled deficit digi dire El extraordinarily extras fluffers Gamesplay Great inconsequential intelligence IT Media media money non-state picture players prime Programs public Reg rendered roles seed shot simple stage state straits strategy ..