Actually Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services both support Git hosting (and the GVFS protocol). So they aren't going away - just getting better.
On the issue of removing the "D" from DVCS, I think we need to explain that better. I'll work on that but I'll give a short answer here. We're not removing the "D" at all. On the server, at least, it's just GIt (with a few very small restrictions lie end of line translation). You can connect to it with any Git client and it has every single property Git has. That same repo that you can use a normal Git tool against, you can also use a GVFS enabled client against. You choose. Now, if the repo is big enough, you might choose to use the DVFS client. It still retains all Git semantics - except, if you go offline, you only have access to what you've cached locally. If you've already cached everything you need, you are golden. Over time, I thnk we can look at adding tools for managing what is cached even for people with really big repos who what to disconnect.
Regardless of whether you disconnect or not, though, all the Git versioning behavior and the ability to create remotes to enitely unrelated repos, etc. are still there. It's just Git with the ability do download stuff on demand and a ton of performance improvements. And if you don't like it, don't enable GVFS and just use Git without GVFS. Your choice.
Brian Harry