* Posts by Ed Blackshaw

627 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Aug 2007


In-body electric eel tech to make 'leccy from body fat

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

@New High-Tech Application

Except you'd feel the cold more, 'cos you'd burnt all of your insulating subcutaneous body fat...

Birmingham Airport in X-rated X-ray shocker

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge
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@Sarah Bee

A b3tard! I knew it!

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

@Graham Marsden

'I can see great opportunities for fun here. Take a sheet of cardboard and stick on some letters cut from tinfoil, eg "F*CK OFF, NOSY GIT!"'

- A great idea if you fancy a quick trip into a side-room with a burly security-type guy with large hands and a pair of rubber gloves.

Tri-corders, alpine oxy-pills: Acropocalypse at DARPA

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge


Am I the only one who misreads that every time?

DVLA: A licence to bill

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

@Only Following Orders

Ah, Mr Godwin, welcome back. We've missed you.

US sky marshals submit to Heart of Gold randomware

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

In a world full of stupid security ideas...

...surprisingly, this actually makes quite a lot of sense!

US boffins: Laptops will be as hot as the Sun by 2030

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Six months out!

Surely they should have waited until April 1st to announce this nonsense?

Chrysler grows iPod Peapod

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

I wonder how long

those doors would stand up to a shopping trolley full of groceries in a Tesco car park?

BT's third Phorm trial starts tomorrow

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Am I the only one thinking

that now would be a great time to short-sell BT shares? Maybe a sharp drop in their share price would be the only message that their board would understand?

US financial meltdown hits canine thesps hard

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Come on Lester

Proof-read your stories!

Gov seeks UK nuclear competition for EDF

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

I'm a bit worried...

...that John Hutton wants to 'press all the buttons' at the 'nuclear facilities'. Perhaps he should change his name to Strangelove?

Noel Edmonds defies BBC's jackbooted enforcers

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

IT Angle

For those with even a passing familiarity with the IT systems involved in TV licensing (maintained IIRC by Crapita), it should come as little surprise that their records in 'The Database' may be incorrect...

Dick Smith pr0n mobe heads for eBay

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Seems to me...

1) Find smutty pictures on phone

2) ???

3) profit!

Royal Society says goodbye to creationism row vicar

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

@We teach String Theory as a Science

I think the reason we teach quantum theory as a scientific theory is because it is a scientific theory which provides testable hypotheses.

String theory is misnamed, as it does not, at least yet, provide any testable hypotheses and so, in the strictest sense, isn't a scientific theory. However, it is not, as far as I know, taught in schools. It may be taught at universities on Physics courses, if we still have any universities with Physics departments left in this country, that is. This is because it attempts to unify the two generally accepted theoretical frameworks of quantum theory and general relativity, in a slightly more logic-based framework than 'the sky-pixie did it', and is still science. It is not, however scientific 'fact' and is not taught as such.

Creationism is not a theory. It provides no testable hypotheses. It also conflicts with observable facts. That makes it nothing more than an idea, and a fairly wrong-headed one at that. Calling it 'intelligent design' doesn't change the fact that is isn't science and shouldn't be taught in science classes at any level.

London Olympics gets IT chief

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

With that list of contractors...

...I hope he has a nice sharp sword to fall on

Philippine troops battle rampaging MILFs

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

I for one welcome our new rampaging MILF overlords

...er overladies?

Old timers rattle zimmers at 'Elderly Persons' sign

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Maybe they should change the sign to

A silhouette of a man with a flexed posture, waving a cane in the air, with the lettering, "I don't believe it!" underneath?

Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge


From the New Scientist article I was reading last week, the THICKNESS of the arctic ice at the north pole this year was something like 25% of what it was a few years ago. The problem here is that you are discussing the AREA of arctic ice, whereas the important thing is VOLUME. Also, I would imagine it is quite conceivable that if ice sheets are breaking up, it would look, from space, like the total ice area were increasing, since there would be a certain amount of 'spreading out' of the ice sheet going on. Personally, I'd be more inclined to believe in the large amount of research being done, where accurate mneasurements are being taken, actually on the ice, by qualified scientists, than some observations taken from space, on a scale which is most likely around the kilometre mark.

So, to summarise, 'YOU AM FAIL'.

Tired of RRoD taunts? Turn your Xbox 360 into a PC

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge


is that worth £75 exactly, given the price of generic PC cases these days? Given, it's not exactly the same as a PC case but still, I can't see where that price tag is coming from for a metal box.

Of course, if they'd bought a PS3 in the first place, they wouldn't have the issues with overheating, noisy fans and optical drives anyway. Flame on...

Bill Gates exposed as closet Yorkshireman

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge
Paris Hilton

So let me get this right...

Eleven generations ago, one of his ancestors was from Yorkshire. That would make him 1/2048 of a Yorkshireman (generously assuming no in-breeding of cousins, etc.) - about 0.05%.

Or to put it another way, 99.95% NOT Yorkshireman...

Paris, 'cos he's just as likely to be as closely related to her...

1,076 developers, 15 years, one open-source Wine

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

@I use Wine to run Cygwin

That's nothing, I use CygWin to run Wine to run CygWin to run...


Brown pledges annual commons debate on surveillance

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

'the world itself had become more global'

...And there was me thinking it was an oblate spheroid...

Navy sonar dolphin 'massacre' - the facts

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

@Kill all dolphins!

Cthulhu Ftagn!

'Crazy rasberry ants' target Texan tech

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Phase IV

Oddly enough, quite similiar to the plot of this film...


Space robot goes operational at ISS

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Colour me pedantic but...

Surely something weighing 200lb in microgravity would be a touch too large to move around even by robot? Perhaps what they meant was with a *mass* of 100ish kilos, which up there whould weigh quite a lot less that that?

Sod robots, send people into space: report

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Sir Humphrey couldn't have put it better himself:

'The report recommends the UK should establish a detailed plan to enable a decision to be made on whether the UK becomes involved in human space flight'

Doesn't that essentially translate as 'we should think about it'. What a fantastic bit of blather!

Orange dismantles Bristol Tower of Doom

Ed Blackshaw Silver badge

Alternative explanation?

Is it possible that the 'high' incidence of cancer amongst the elderly is somehow due to the fact that they are, in fact, elderly and therefore their cellular repair mechanisms are getting a little worn out?

If my memory serves me correctly, isn't most of the radiation from mobile phone masts directed outwards, rather than downwards, what with them being constructed from directional antennae?
