These classes of benchmarks are pure crap and a relic of the 90s. Cheesy makes a point about how modern architecture scale with core count. Yes, that is the fundamental principle of the modern scale out software. And they shard data across nodes and uses message passing to coordinate.
Of course he didn't mention that to coordinate at scale almost all of these classes of applications increase replication factor or relax consistency. One creates hardware inefficiencies while the latter creates application logic headaches for anything except really trivial problems. Acid is a property that is much nicer to reason about for things that require any form of correctness guarantees. Having one global view of the universe across all nodes is a much easier thing for most developers to understand.
For storage though, and especially centralized (and by necessity) multi application storage that interacts with distributed applications there are no discernable patterns that are really cacheable. Spatial and temporal location of data doesn't work for inputs into centralized sister systems that aggregates shards of data from heavily distributed applications. Cache misses becomes the norm and tail latencies dictate true performance. Vendors who claim average latencies as proof points of end user experience but in reality a spiky tail latency and transactional semantics are rapidly becoming the bigger problem. And most apps can't bound response of data to trade off speed for correctness the way many I'd the web properties do.
Which leads me to the benchmark. It's crap. It's built in an era of tech that is rapidly disappearing. Fat database servers whith concentration of io's thanks to btree style data structures to find data when dram caches misses are the underlying assumption in these tests and it's flawed in a world where a storage device is expected to cater to a few apps running in 1,000 physical machines and 10,000 cores. Data access is concurrent, random and heavy in metadata.
So you don't have this environment you say?
You will, either by yourself as you are forced to evolve beyond your legacy Oracle/Microsoft apps or when you land in the cloud and your provider builds this for you. Either way, dram accelerating systems are a thing of the past and at best a detour in history vs the modern constant rate latency system that the hyperscalers are building to cope with concurrent and arbitrary length processing streams.