> we'd all be using nitrogen-cooled 9Ghz single core 32-bit CPUs with unholy memory extension hacks. Forget smartphones, those wouldn't even exist
That sounds pretty good actually, where do I sign?
193 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Aug 2007
During the pandemic one of the local businesses that we support has gone online and unfortunately chosen Wix, the amount of user-hostile JS they cram into their site is incredible. And they have written it in such a way that blocking tracking renders the site non-functional. In other words they know perfectly well that what they are doing is wrong.
I'm not going to boycott a small business over making a bad technical choice, but I do only access their site in a separate browser process!
It’s a room set up so a red team (hackers) and a blue team (sysadmins) can directly compete in real time with their activities displayed for observers to critique, hence the big screens on the wall referenced in the article. The name is meant to evoke a firing range.
... that this is not a featurephone. It's an Android phone merely pretending to be one. So you have all the privacy and security problems of Android and none of the upside.
What the punters really want is the old Nokias, with modern batteries and ability to connect to modern 3 and 4G networks, and that's it. No apps, no telemetry, nothing else.
Sounds familiar.
In a previous job, the thing I had been warning for months would happen, happened, to within a few days of when I predicted. Had all the email I’d sent about it as evidence.
The moronic manager who should have acted and didn’t blamed me anyway. Said I hadn’t made the case strongly enough!
That company no longer exists and said manager went on to have a successful career at one of the outsourcing companies that’s always appearing in El Reg. Successful for him, not any of his clients, naturally.
Sounds like the harrassers are highly skilled And talented and simply need to be offered a opportunity
No. A fundamental personality trait of anyone working in security is that you can trust them to follow the rules/do the right thing, even if they think no one is watching. You watch them anyway, obv.
Siri comes with male/female voices with English, American, Irish and Australian accents. Strongly suspect that critics of Siri being female aren't actually users of it, or they would know this.
I have mine set to Australian because it sounds the most natural. Or maybe Australians just sound robotic, that's why.
Amusingly Oracle pitch it as an advantage that you can buy at entire stack from them, from that hardware (inherited from Sun) all the way up to the apps, via OS and database. “One throat to choke” if anything goes wrong, their salesmen would say.
Now they are upset that someone is taking that advice and going for a single supplier... just not them!