* Posts by wmpattison

7 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2016

The best way to screw the competition? Do what they can't, in a fraction of the time


Doesn't work for us

We've had the opposite experience. We were on site doing stuff. As we left, the client asked if we'd swap the toners over in their office laser. Which we did. Not long after, we started to get steaming phone calls from the client's main site, complaining that their SQL server had gone off-line. When we asked why they were shouting at us, they told us "it was OK until you fiddled with the printer". We tried to explain that changing toners in a printer was unlikely to crash a SQL server 40 miles away, but they wouldn't have it. It was definitely our fault, and nothing at all to do with the building maintenance crew wandering around their machine room...

SQLite creator crucified after code of conduct warns devs to love God, and not kill, commit adultery, steal, curse...


Do we pray?

As I recall, the Rule of St. Benedict was pretty strict on adhering to the prayer cycle. Are SQLlite contributors expected to attend Lauds and Matins (and the other six, plus Mass) every day? Do tell...



I recall one of the key points of The Rule of St. Benedict was the prayer cycle. Are contributors required to attend Lauds and Matins? Every day? Sleep deprived programmers. Oh joy.

Blighty's super-duper F-35B fighter jets are due to arrive in a few weeks


Re: "Starved of hydro-electric power

Not to mention all, the concrete, which slowed up Rommel as he built his Atlantic Wall.

Heathrow's air traffic radio set for shiny digital upgrade from Northrop


Is this the same Northrop that's doing such an excellent job on the "new" software for the F35 Lightning II?

London suffers from 'sub-standard' connectivity - report


I was at Wembley last weekend. Failed to upload a single Facebook post over the '4G' in over 2 hours. I'll bet it's not that bad anywhere else on the planet.

TalkTalk outage: Dial M for Major cockup


When will the chickens come home?

Presumably this is another thing Dido Harding won't feel responsible for?