* Posts by AlanT

5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jan 2016

Teensy plastic shields are the big new thing in 2018's laptop crop


Re: agreed...

Decent USB C docks do everything including charge your computer over a single USB C port. My laptop (a Dell) just has one cable plugged in when it's docked and I have a ton of stuff hanging off the dock.

Which is not to say the difficulties with USB C docks other people are noting aren't real - driver and firmware for a lot of docks have been awful. It feels like things were much worse 18 months ago, though.

Telly boffin Professor Heinz Wolff has died


Re: A definite genius of a man.

Yes, with my grandfather. Growing up I remember him as an extremely well spoken man, and his Aberdeen roots were very much in the background. The last time I saw him was a few months before his final illness, and he'd mentally slowed. And was again speaking the Doric of his youth.

Oh my Word... Microsoft Office 365 unlatched after morning lockout


Re: Please explain to me ...

Realtalk, because for at least most small and medium businesses, MS is much much better at running exchange servers than an in-house resource. Outages happen (rarely, IME), but the downtime is generally less overall than you get if you do it yourself. I haven't missed babysitting Exchange even a tiny bit over the last few years.

Rhode Island sues HPE for making its DMV even more miserable


Bravo on the subhead. Outstanding!

Amazon: Hey pal, since you're shifting all your IT over to AWS, why not that email server, too?


Re: Because...

For O365 at least, shared mailboxes and aliases don't consume a license. I ran in-house mail servers for close to twenty years, and I don't miss it at all!