Custom Dictionary
Is only available, seemingly, with Japanese Ten Key keyboard at the moment.
Its a feature I requested and explained them for which seems like they've picked up on.
Hopefully it will be available for all keyboards.
166 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Aug 2007
Back in.. I think 1999. A huge thunderstorm at stupid o clock in the morning.
Watching it... All sorts of amazing lightning going off... Then there was a ball of lightning that fell from the sky, hit something and then rings from that lightning appeared and spread across the sky.
In the morning there was a news report of a chimney falling down, right where I saw that ball of lightning land.
If these physicists were right, I wouldn't see the ball fall down or spread rings through the sky.
I can jump but it'd be pointless as i'll just keep going and going.. I never crash... NEVER.. NEVER!
Weee.. lalalaaaa...
Hmm, the ground is getting close..
The Windows User: "Theres a quick work around for that and a patch will come on Tuesday"
The Penguin: "Choose another distro if this one isn't right for you"
OK so the user hasn't updated their IE... so what?!
If MS didn't have the ballot on a IE page and IE didnt exist, then no one could download the other browsers anyway and thus yet another complaint.
M$ aren't going to provide a browser install of their competitors in the installation of Windows or this Windows Update. Geez.
A user will simply click through the box or ask later... and when they get to the ballot screen.. Oh hello.
If they don't select Opera, get off your high horse and shut the hell up and make a better browser.
Fools. Utter fools.
Not once have I liked this screen due to the fact that its not fair to force M$ to support another browser. If M$ have to do this, so do Apple and Linux. Yeah, I went there!
"1Xtra reaches a young audience that the BBC traditionally finds it hard to reach on any platform. Specifically, 1Xtra's 'unique' audience - people who don't listen to any other BBC radio output - is almost twice that of 6Music,” it told us.
Errm... No, BBC reach for black people.
Nothing on 1Xtra i've liked.. ever... i'm now 20 ...
And I LOL at this man every day.
Has anyone pointed out to him you can't edit tweets?
The scum one appeard BEFORE the tweet without scum involved. He obviously deleted it.
This isn't the first time he has done this.
Hes drunk tweeted before and offended people. Hes a bit of a twat.
The push failed yesterday. Their servers couldnt handle the requests, Both XBL and Sky servers all failed.
It is due to be pushed out again today, Hopefully now they are balanced correctly! LOL.
I like this idea... but not sure on it yet. Maybe when it can be a service to MATCH Sky TV then that would be good.
Theres no BBC ITV or Channel4 stuff... But they are talknig to BBC to get the content on there, so we will see....
Quite funny the other day... MSN had issues.. they all went to Facebook so Facebook chat started having issues.. then the facebook site had issues.
Twitter survived the MSN breakage, though.
Also noticed how Facebook have added twitter functionality - typing @ and the persons name to "tag" them in your posts... zzz
That would mean they would be sending to a number, and apple will be making sure that "this message" goes to "this number" and if "this number" does not match "this network" then "This message = Fail.
Where as I thought it was sending to a unique address, like an IP, which matches the iPhone and not the user. In which case network shouldnt matter.
If the Dev Team can't fix this, then its most likely apple DID do this on purpose, to piss people off that unlocked their phones because they dont want the shitty crappy bunch of twatty limitations that they set.
*Stokres his jailbroken ipod touch 2g*.
I hate Apple, with a passion... but I love the iPhone/iPod Touch... But only when jailbroken.
Seriously, its not a problem at all and can easily be fixed by going into a folder, press ALT to show the menu bar, click tools - folder options and untick the "Show known extentions" bit... taadaaaa!
I admit that by default they should have this unticked... But its not a massive problem as people make it out to be :/
If you try to open a .jpg.exe and you find its opening a dos prompt or something rather than your default image viewing program then you need a slap :/
Re: Minimum Spec:
Lets just say, If you have XP Pro working perfectly, Windows 7 should too.
It is MILES better than how Vista handeled.
Give it a try.
I tried it in a VM and noticed the difference straight away.
RE: Never.
I upgraded from Vista to Win7BETA and experience no problems.
At all.
I'll be doing the same to the RC.
Dank je wel :)
Was reading the original comment from Sarah... And as much as I agreed I thought ... Nah ... I can't see any mods on "Da Reg" to suddenly lose the fucking plot like that! So i left until now to comment :P
Well done Sarah - Best April Fools i've seen all day!! Beats the Funeral offering anyway...
Shut up, No it's not.
Same thing happened to a friends Nokia N95.
None of the buttons would work, charge wouldn't work and screen was waterlogged.
After as much drying as possible and leaving it alone for the night and drying with a hairdryer again it works.
Does that make the N95 a jesus phone?
No, Didn't think so.