Re: Best YouTube resource
Seconded - thank you! ☺️
18 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jan 2016
Aside from the hoot you undoubtedly are at parties, good rant!
If I may pull you up about one thing: everything I have read about washer/dryers stated they have absolutely awful energy efficiency. The cheapest separate washer and dryer will save you a ton of electricity and actually wash and dry your clothes.
Yes, I often found myself in the kitchen at parties, too.
Why do Twitter et. al get to decide what's "true" and what's "false"?
Because it's their platform. Just like Truth Social is Trump's (and that also decides what to allow and what not to allow).
Regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story, I see it repeatedly mentioned as having legs on here (by the usual suspects), but can't find anything on the Wiki entry that actually shows that. Do you have a link (that isn't from the NYP, Fox, or Truth Social)?
I've recently reread Raw Spirit by one of my favourite authors, Iain Banks, and, along with the reviews of distileries, whiskeys, cars, and anything else he feels like shooting the breeze about, he sounds off fairly regularly about the coverage of the Iraq war going on at that time (2003).
This fabulous quote he includes from the Guardian, is very apt in light of subsequent events, particularly after his death, in 2013, and that endless desire amongst some quarters for that nebulous quality of "sovereignty":
"Welcome to the Free World. In the July 17th 2003 edition of the Guardian, in an article headlined ‘We are now a client state’, David Leigh and Richard Norton-Taylor set out the case for Tony Blair having finally surrendered to the United States of America most of the few remaining shreds of British sovereignty. They point out that Britain cannot target, maintain or fire its Tomahawk cruise missiles without US authority, that this same restriction has applied to the Trident missile system for the last decade and a half (so that Britain’s ‘independent’ nuclear deterrent never has been; basically the British taxpayer has been paying for at least one sturdy spoke of the US’s nuclear umbrella all these years), that Britain has already entirely and formally given up sovereignty in various British mainland bases and several overseas ones, like the Indian Ocean bomber base of Diego Garcia, where the native people were thrown out 30 years ago and left on the docks in east Africa, that we spend a fortune gathering intelligence at GCHQ, share all of it with the US intelligence services – those paragons of vigilance who did such a brilliant job preventing the atrocities on September 11th – but they are under no obligation to share all they know with our lot, that (and this is ongoing through recent and envisaged purchasing and equipment standardisation decisions), Britain is tied into the US war-fighting machine to such an extent that it will no longer be capable of fighting a war without the US’s approval and connivance, while being, by extension, entirely expected to muck in with any American military adventure where such participation will help make this year’s invasion look less like the exercise in naked imperialism that it in fact is. They also make the point that your individual Brit cannot any longer rely even on the occasionally dubious protection of the legal system which we pay for through our taxes and at least nominally control through the democratic system of the country we live in. British nationals held in the fantasy counter-reality that is Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay on Cuba – prop. George Sauron Bush, Esq. – have effectively been abandoned by the Crown and government that is supposed to protect them (well, they haven’t got even the basic good sense to be white, they are self-confessed Muslims, Dubya says they’re all Bad People anyway so of course they don’t really count). Finally, it now turns out that back in March, while we were distracted by all that spiffing fighting, British Home Secretary David Blunkett signed a treaty with the US which means that any British national, living in the UK or its dependencies, can be extradited to the US to stand trial for whatever crime an American court deems they might have committed, with no need for any prima facie case to be established in front of a British court before the alleged miscreant is hauled off. In other words, they just have to ask, and you’ll be handed over. The Americans, being the big Uncle Sam daddy rather than the quivering Britannia bitch in this abusively unequal relationship, and very sensibly having a written constitution which forbids such horrors, are of course under no such obligation to reciprocate, and indeed are legally unable to. So the British legal system and the individual rights of any given Brit are now entirely subservient to the whims of any one of gawd-knows how many public servants and judges sitting in the United States, home of Dubya the Usurper and his grotesque squad of Cold War throwbacks. The Home Office press release covering the meeting during which this historic and unprecedented surrender of sovereignty took place failed to mention it had happened at all. As Leigh and Norton-Taylor suggest, maybe it was through shame. Equally quiet at the time, once this treaty’s terms have finally slithered out into the light of day, are all the right-wing British newspapers which can be relied upon to foam at the mouth whenever they detect the slightest hint that Britain might be surrendering something as important as control over the shape of a fruit to Brussels. Suggest that there might be a standard Europe-wide definition of what you can call ‘ice cream’ or ‘chocolate’ and these charmers are spitting blood about faceless Eurocrats completing the job that Napoleon and Hitler failed to accomplish and dropping dark hints about leaving the EU altogether; abandon us all to the mercies of a protofascist rogue state 3000 miles away over which we have no democratic or legal control whatsoever, and there’s not a damn peep. Last time I checked I did have an MEP to whom I could complain about any abuses within the European system, and who I could, along with my fellow voters, remove from office; I have yet to be informed of the identity of my Congressional representative. Banks, Iain. Raw Spirit (pp. 313-315). Random House. Kindle Edition."
Genuinely curious:
i) Have you ever actually used Nutanix?
ii) What specific data inconsistencies (or other issues) have you encountered?
I'm not an evangelist, but have had to test numerous private cloud platforms (converged and hyper-converged) and found Nutanix rather fabulous, so would like to know of any platform problems.
Did the bulbs dimm when you entered the forum? The point the article was making is just how utterly pointless the CVE chart is for assessing the security of an OS or application, as stated on the website,
"Keep in mind that tech companies have different disclosure policies for security holes. Again, this list paints a picture of the number of publicly known vulnerabilities, not of all vulnerabilities, nor of the overall security of a given piece of software."
So a pretty pointless bow shot on the high seas of fanboi flame wars.