* Posts by Aloisius

1 publicly visible post • joined 31 Dec 2015

Would sir care to see the post-pub nosh menu?


You keep ignoring the noble Leberkassemmel!


It's very easy to make: All you need is a nice, big slice of Leberkas (Leberkäse, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leberk%C3%A4se), a Semmel and a decent amount of sweet mustard. Preferably, the Leberkas comes fresh from the oven - hence you might not want to make it yourself but stroll over to the next butcher. Or beergarden. Of course you could omit the Semmel but then you'd either get very sticky fingers or you'd have to use cutlery.

Other specially crafted post-pub nosh fillers from Bavaria are the white sausage and the Obazda. For the white sausage sweet mustard makes an appearance again. And, by time honoured tradition, it is washed down by a "Konterbier": a beer that is being drunk to counter the hangover. But, never ever, eat the skin of the white sausage - suitable ways of eating it are demonstrated in this little video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJLC-kqfKqg (I recommend to turn the music off.) The obazda is more vegetarian in nature: It's runny camembert whipped up again with onions, chives and other spices (for example, peppers are a suitable addition) served with white raddish and Brezeln.