* Posts by CptCodFish

5 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Dec 2015

Tintri wheels out T1000 ROBO flash array to terminate disk ones



X-IO's ISE 900 is a tier 1 data center solution compares more directly to the Tintri EC6000 series but with out all the Tintri features.

The Tintri T1000 is purpose built for small offices at a starting point that cost effective for any type of company to support their remote locations.

Do you homework or get a new job!

HPE core servers and storage under pressure


HPE's new storage...

... All flash VM aware Tintri...?

Hyperconvergence 101: More than a neatly packaged box of tricks


hyper what...

Seems like this article has a lot of fluff and no real details on how hyper-converged is really better than SAN or shared storage. I mean to compare a $30K HCI solution to a $300K SAN doesn't make any sense when you can get a SAN for $30K that does exactly the same things and performs better than the HCI solution...

Don't take this the wrong way, Pure Storage – are you the next NetApp?


Seems Pure Biased

I love the fact that the writer consider Whiptail a success story when Cisco doesn't even sell the product anymore.

But more importantly, it bugs me how biased this is towards Pure like they are doing something brand new and fresh. Yes, maybe they were 3 years ago but now it just seems like they are trying to come up with stuff, even if its over a year out to stay competitive. I mean really, if you are going to sell Pure in this article, don't sell me on futures. Sell me something now...

Yawn, yawn, yawn..

Nexgen’s QoS AFA has flash players in tiers


Tintri also has AFA with dynamic and configurable QoS

Sorry you guys missed Tintri but they also have the T5000 AFA in 3 different sizes with dynamic and configurable QoS