stuck in the lift, eh?
was worried he was dead
pouf! spontaneous human combustion!!
Now REALLY we do need a bofh dose more often, Dr Bastard.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Aug 2007
Guys - his writing is probably nonsense, but the style is good. Almost like he's been mailing you well doctored, planned and executed novels - he's put some real effort into those mails.
Never thought 'communal hatred' would bring out a few laughs - but i'm sorry the good blokes at el reg would have to face this.
Worth reading over again!!
1. making stup*d mortal sins
2. spending time in the booth listening to guys talk about their pretty sister-in-law while secretly maturbating quietly
3. breathing - gives off dangerous carbon dioxide, y'know
4. thinking - goodness knows what sort of perverse thoughts appear in the brains of individuals so terribly spoiled by ... etc
5. getting kids - bringing Gods gift to a planet full of sh*t and letting them suffer
rubberish. and let me guess he's not 'invalidated' any of the old past rules like 'being a vampire' or 'conspiring with the devil'.
Sad - after all of the BOFH's adventures we come down to simply shredding the document, and not... exterminating the source of the problem.
Think 'locking in the tape safe'. Think 'halon'. Think 'pushing off the window on to a skip full of crushed glass'. Think 'locking in the comms room'. Think 'fat manager with cactus plants falling into an open lift'. Think 'overvoltage cattle prod'. Thin.... BZZEEEERRTT
Some sarcastic comments:
Tom: Programming.... wait is that something like VI? Oh, PEARL, I think its ... 30th anniv? - now THATS programming
Steve: Just be sure you don't have anyone from your company reading this
Chris: I'm 22, and still OUT OF IT!!
Thanks for being a good lard & chip buttie and reading all the way down here!!