* Posts by pmartin66

29 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Dec 2015

It's 2017 and Microsoft is still patching Windows XP+ – to plug holes exploited by trio of leaked NSA weapons


Re: MS still cleaning up after Windows XP

Anyone stupid enough to be using XP deserves nothing. MS owes them NOTHING.

Microsoft totters from time machine clutching Windows 10 Workstation


I just love Windows 10. Sure, I had to google a few things. Once set up, it is super fast and reliable as hell. It can even recover from hard restarts or whatever. You crybabies suck so hard at learning anything new. UNIX is OLD!! You want to live with it, fine, but don't be a whiny arse about it.

Lib Dems pledge to end 'Orwellian' snooping powers in manifesto


Funny, in the USA, it's the liberal dems that are the spy monger facists

Don't install our buggy Windows 10 Creators Update, begs Microsoft


I've never been happier with any OS. No, I don't install early releases either. Just install, then run DoNotspy10 to kill off all the spying and telemetry, hell, even updates if you want, but i like those.

Windows 10 free upgrade offer ends on July 29th


Re: Sidegrade only, no reservations

so you are a thief


Re: Technical question...

You can go to settings and RESET the OS, which by default does it over the Internet. You can also use the command line utility, DISM to repair an installation from Internet of a DVD or some medium that contains your install image.

There is also an USB tool to put a bootable image on USB


well Reg.... I just can't take it anymore. Your lack of newsworthy articles, pandering to the MS hater crowd.... keep your rag, I have other good stuff to read. Farewell.

Official: Microsoft's 'Get Windows 10' nagware to vanish from PCs in July


Re: Windows 10₂

Why you running Win7 then? get off MS completely. Wait, you are just here to whinge, right?

Mud sticks: Microsoft, Windows 10 and reputational damage


Re: Don't blame users for the UI

Please explain how the GUI is "incompatible" because that really makes ZERO sense. Old apps still work, what is your point? That users have to click on the start button, then 'All Applications'????

Seriously? That's your gripe?


Re: @ AC: "It works scarily well..."

For me and my friends and family, Windows 10 has been the absolute best OS that MS has ever published. Super fast, stable, runs all our software and games included. Six second boot times, what's not to love?

BEST user OS. Most easy to maintain as well.

Not owning it yourself and preaching hearsay is really a BAD thing to do. You propagate FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) where there should be none. Just because you are a Linux lover.

And that just makes the Windows user hate Linux users more... You propagate your own crap in other words. It HURTS you and your community to weep and wail so hard against MS.

Linux Mint to go DIY for multimedia


Re: Who cares

LOL. Nice. I could feel the retribution too.


Re: UI changes

Oh, and you can replace the shell in ANY windows, even dating back to Win95.... what, you mean you guys didn't know this already?

If I install a user desktop, after install, all my hardware had better work, or there is something very wrong and indicates to me laziness and not caring. This is another one of so many reasons Linux will never make it as the predominant desktop OS and is relegated to a minority of users.

Stop resetting your passwords, says UK govt's spy network



That's the combination for my luggage!

Trouble at t'spinning rust mill: Disk drive production is about to head south


I already know this. My own demand for spinning media has dropped to ZERO. I will never recommend them to anyone. SSD only. magnetic hard drives are ALL JUNK and have been for many years. This just vindicates my prediction.

'Impossible' EmDrive flying saucer thruster may herald new theory of inertia


garbage. this is BUNK. it's not going to happen for ages, if at all.

Job ad promises 'Meaningless Repetitive Work on the .NET Stack'


thanks for a great laugh! that first list has me in stitches.

Moon landing was real and WE CAN PROVE IT, says Nvidia


Please don't feed the trolls, er, morons.

Hey Windows 10, weren't you supposed to help PC sales?


Re: Improve PC Specs

Doing a FULL COLD BOOT in Windows 10 (I don't allow non full boots to my main box) it boots in under 8 seconds flat allowing me to log in and start work, just like that.


Re: Improve PC Specs

Not in my experience. The UX is very much better. Everyone I have upgraded LOVES Windows 10. They have zero problems with apps or the desktop too. Super fast boot times, super stable and fast, I would ditch Win7 in a heartbeat... wait, I already did.

New iOS malware targets stock iPhones, spreads via App Store


So, if you don't use your PC to get apps (I never do this, I buy apps from the App store on my iOS devices) can this still happen?

Little warning: Deleting the wrong files may brick your Linux PC


Re: petur...


go educate yourself.


Re: You can't "disable UEFI"

They should go educate themselves. Blaming MS, they are one company that is involved with THE STANDARD


Qualcomm, Nvidia are driving us nuts – with silicon-brains-for-cars


Re: Planned obsolescence

No car is useful after that long anymore. All the plastic and rubber stuff wears out, you have to replace EVERYTHING. First time I get a 1000 fix it bill, it's new car time. Never again with this crap.

Windows 10: What's coming in 2016?


Re: One or two suggestions

I have had every update on Win10. None took hardly any time. What are you talking about? If you are slow updating with an SSD, something else is wrong.


Re: One or two suggestions

This is due to your hardware. When running on an SSD, you don't even notice it and it boots in seconds. SSD is super cheap now, 75 for an EVO 850. Get one and see how fast and smooth your computer can be.

If you have a laptop, their hard drives are basically unusable (20 min or more to update or install stuff, etc..) Get an SSD and install fresh. Your PC will then be like a new machine. Biggest band for upgrade buck.

My son has a 150 dollar (new) Asus laptop. Horrid piece of shit. Slapped in an EVO 850 SSD and BAM, super fast and snappy. Boots in 3 seconds flat and is then usable, no waiting.

Google to end updates, security bug fixes for Chrome on 32-bit Linux


Love to read all this nonsense in the comments. My freaking phone has a dual core 64 bit processor for crying out loud. BUY NEW HARDWARE every decade and stop whinging.

Anyone seen my DVD? Ohio loses disc holding 50,000 citizens' records


Re: I went back to Ohio

I love Chrissie and the band. This article made me think of Neil Young's Ohio.... LOL


Thinking of buying a Surface? Try a modular OLED Thinkpad first


I would still get the nice fast Surface. OLED Smoled. My stupid eyes can't see the difference anyway, and I would be using it for work, not games.

Microsoft steps up Windows 10 nagging


Windows 10 on an SSD rules! upgrade as soon as you can. Best MS OS ever.

My son has a 150 dollar celeron dog laptop. I swapped the drive for a SAMSUNG EVO 850 and Win10 and it is super fast now. Boots in 3-4 seconds and is ready for action immediately on login.