* Posts by JHSyd

3 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Dec 2015

Atlassian CEO's bonkers scheme to pipe electricity from Australia to Singapore collapses


Twisty Twiggy...

Basically, Andrew Forrest wants to hijack the AAPL power output for his "Green Hydrogen" projects. Was he always planning to pull the rug out from under the original Singapore plan, or was he frightened off as the complexities became increasingly apparent? Your call.

HTC U12+: Like a Pixel without the pratfalls, or eye-watering price tag


The one huge difference between the HTC and Google products -- and, indeed, with all non-Google products -- is the consideration that if HTC's phone biz is heading south, 12+ buyers are even less likely to get Android security and OS updates/upgrades at all, let alone in a timely fashion.

It's nearly 2016, and Windows DNS servers can be pwned remotely


Re: KB3112148

If KB3112148 is for 64-bit Win7 machines, why has it been delivered to my 32-bit PC?

It's apparently beyond Microsoft's assembled wisdom to create a simple, two-layer (on top of its own Technet and other highly technical none-MS sources) explanatory system for Patch Tuesdays: one for a general audience that doesn't much care; and one for the far more technically inclined that supplies specific, detailed info about each upgrade.

Why do we need this? Because it has become abundantly clear, over the years since MS was heavily caned for using the WU channel to push inappropriate software to consumers, that this murkiness actually suits MS fine. It's working right now to pester the bejesus out of the unfortunates who installed the Win10 nags.

Other questions abound: why not include the relevant MSxxxx number with each use of the KBxxxx label, to improve our ability to research the KBs? Why do some KBs list as "critical" in the US, but only as "important" in Australia? And why, for pity's sake, is there any need to change the KBxxxx for the same update in different countries?