Re: You are confusing EU with Europe
Isn't it ironic that Kristallnacht, ghettos, and gas chambers are all etymologically or factually European in origin?
8 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Nov 2015
The new site itself looks fine and appears to load swiftly - I only tested on desktop, but assume basic testing on Android phone browsers has already happened.
However, the new site (as currently laid out) appears to fall into the sadly in-vogue trap of assuming I only want to read your most click-bait-y headlines, with a "most read" section that already dwarfs the more traditional date-ordered news headlines. This is (IMHO) a flawed assumption on a predominantly news-based website, where I will typically want to browse, in order of oldest (i.e. picking up where I last updated myself) to newest, all those newsworthy items that are of interest to me - and to clarify my interests here I have no interest in jumping on the FOMO bandwagon that causes me to worry that I might be ignorant about something that the other kids are talking about in the playground tomorrow. At time of writing there are 14 (excluding the repetition of the "Elders of the Internet" article) stories in the upper, chronological, section - even assuming none of those are "priority" news that has jumped the queue it is highly likely on an average day that I will miss content unless I visit the site every few hours (which is not my usual m.o.). This will significantly reduce the site value to me.