AML implications
I'm pretty sure that paying criminals without verifying their status on a sanctions list is probably illegal, even if they FBI say they don't care.
68 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Aug 2007
Because office workers generally come with Microsoft Office skills. Largely due to the more recent and shit IT education system.
The cost of re-training is high, and unfortunately much much higher for power users of Excel. Power users of Excel are accountants, the ones with the purse strings. So it's not getting signed off, ever.
"First of all, copyright law mostly does not allow the reproduction of a digital file on someone else's computer, even if the original copy was lawfully downloaded and is subsequently deleted."
How about if I had rented space on someone else's computer? For example as a cloud backup space?
How about if the Ts&Cs of that storage solution allowed them to look at my data.
How about if I rented some space on my computer to other people under the same terms. How about if I offered a loss leading incentive (say about the cost of a song for about the space of a song)?
All the comments about male or female drivers being more costly to insure are missing the point of the article.
The ruling says that insurance companies are not allowed to exhibit gender bias, so simply asking if you are male or female is not the only restriction.
If little yellow cars are more often driven by women then the insurance company is no longer allowed to ask if you drive a little yellow car.
If there are other clustered attributes that discriminate then they also must be excluded.
If men have more costly accidents then they may no longer be able to ask the cost of your accidents.
If women have a higher frequency then they may no longer be able to ask the date of your accidents.
Same with other traffic offences.
So in summary, the logical conclusion is the if you drive a car you must pay a flat premium.
I for one welcome our existing overload's new tax on driving.
2 modules courses on algorithms, one is required.
2 modules courses on processor design, one is required.
1st year programming taught in Haskell.
2 modules under the title Logic (natural deduction, lambda calculus etc..), both required.
Database first principals as a required course.
2 modules on OS design, one required, including a practical course work requiring you to re-write the Minix debugger.
I'm pretty sure that even without a "C++ programming" module IC CS grads think in the right way.
Yes, Concurrent Systems is taught with Java as the implementation language, but I'm pretty sure that the principals of avoiding deadlock and using mutex's work in most languages.
Since most of IC's CS grads work for banks in the city, I should think they are doing something right w.r.t. employability so maybe other universities should take note?
If I were to kill 10 people because I wanted them dead, I would be a murder. If I were to kill any 10 people because I wanted everyone to live in fear of being killed I would be a terrorist.
Clear Guy Fawkes wanted a named set of people dead, so he is a murder.
Actually I suppose I could even use threats rather then actual killing to make people afraid then I would also be a terrorist.
Maybe I could get everyone to be suspicious of each other an so they would live in fear. That would also make me a terrorist.
So, pretty much anyone that tells you that you are at risk of being death is a terrorist. Reductio ad absurdum. (Special merit for Dr Gillian McKeith)
I don't think anyone is going to argue that they aren't guilty of "being accessories to breaching copyright laws". Clearly they are.
However the double standards applied are the problem, as all and sundry have pointed out, google must be next. having one rule for those with power and one rules for those without is not a good precedent to set.
"non- or less-lethal weapons"
What degree of lethal is proposed?
There needs to be some kind of El-Reg standard units.
I propose:
Palinite - Defined as brain Dead, but otherwise funtional.
Full Paris - Able to perform basic oral functions, but limited cognative ability.
Partial Paris - Full oral skills, some self promotion.
Jobsian - Not able to tell the difference between hype and reality.
OU - Mostly functional, but with the odd ugly boil.
Vista - Still born.
Despite playing days of Tiger Woods 09 my handicap is still not improving when I get out on the course.
I still can't Turbo slide my car.
Ducking, leaning forward and stepping forward followed by a medium punch has yet to cut down on the time taken to light the BBQ.
DARPA probably ARE conducting research into shooting the floor whilst jumping though.