* Posts by jMcPhee

118 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Nov 2015


Cattle that fail, not pets that purr – the future of servers



Having done some recent testing on cloud based replacements for local implementations, we came to the conclusion that cloud performance of realtime applications is crap.

And that's with the cloud providers trying to grab market share by not caring about profitability. Imagine what will happen when they have to make money.

If Spot01 is a snail, this will probably work.

Outage-hit Lloyds Bank in talks to outsource data centres to IBM


Hello Barclays

After what happened on project Phoenix, this doesn't sound promising

Evolved DNSChanger malware slings evil ads at PCs, hijacks routers


Ah javascript - best friend the internet criminal ever had

Stupid law of the week: South Carolina wants anti-porno chips in PCs that cost $20 to disable


So what

No big deal. We're talking South Carolina here. So that's, what, 8 or 9 PC's?

CIOs: VDI? Maybe, just maybe, it really will be different this time...


Yet again...

We did this in the 80's and early 90's. Remember VMS, HPUX, and AIX? But, the IT community; who is always chasing after the next new sexy, career enhancing, IT fad; took us down the PC based client/server rathole. Hopefully we are doing something different this time.

Forgive me, father, for I have used an ad-blocker on news websites...


Re: No guilt at all

None at all. Pimping out the internet has a downside.

If they don't like it, they can go back to print, or, solicit donations. Wikipedia and Spamcop did fine without ads.

If Reg took US checks and real credit cards (not bogus sham PayPal), I'd be happy to contribute.

Is it time to unplug frail OpenOffice's life support? Apache Project asked to mull it over


Re: 1.1 onward

Last install of LO was quite the cumbersome porker. Maybe it's been decreptified since then? We can hope....

Ever wondered what the worst TV show in the world would be? Apple just commissioned it


Nothing new here...

It's just a grown up version of the Simpson's 'Mattel and Mars Bar Quick Energy Chocobot Hour '

Coding is more important than Shakespeare, says VC living in self-contained universe


Reading Shakespeare

Having coders read Shakespeare is a good idea. It gives them something to do when they are declared redundant because their jobs got outsourced.

Khosla and those like him would love to have more coders. The more there are, the less they need to be paid.

2016 tech shakeout starts with CxO exodus


Energy Stocks too

SUNE and CHK are overdue for some shaking

LinkedIn sinkin': $10bn gone in one day as shares plummet 40%


Re: If Linkedin goes under . . .

You'll see them for quite a while. They are not a 'job based social media' company as much as a 'job based spamming and annoyance service'.

Whenever I think about linkedin, this SftWS comes to mind:


You, yes YOU: DevOps' people problem


At our outfit, IT's been on the path to serious suckage for about 20 years.

- The sysadmin and devloper work has been farmed out to the extent that they don't know what the operations unit really needs. (Natural outcome of outsourcing and putting IT in a separate organization which joins at the CEO. It wasn't always this way)

- The operations unit doesn't know IT. Consequently, they don't know what to ask for.

So, most of our projects are crap. They deliver the 'scope deliverables' but don't really work that well.

Server retired after 18 years and ten months – beat that, readers!


Re: The drive's a Seagate...

A Seagate drive... before TPG and Silverlake bought the company and 'extracted shareholder value' from it.

Smartphone hard, dudes, like it’s the end of the world!


Re: Top stuff

Dabooka, I agree. All I want is to make an occasional phone call or maybe use the calculator function to figure a bar tip after having had too many to figure it mentally.

Those of us who do a lot of physical work can't stick a small tablet in our pockets and expect it to come out in one piece at the end of the day. In our end of the woods, nobody gives a crap about what electronic kit anyone lugs around. Chainsaw, maybe. But, not a phone.

If it still works six months from now, count yourself lucky


"OEMs use shit components to begin with"

Yep. We go through HP, Lenovo, and Dell like popcorn. The old IBM systems from the 90's keep cranking.

The systems we kit from individual components get replaced because they are too slow and not because they fail.

Yahoo! Mail! is! still! a! thing!, tries! blocking! Adblock! users!


Re: One less now...

- US$12/year for a personalized .com domain

- US$30/year for a nicely featured email account which lets you add and remove aliases for temp addresses

- http://theoatmeal.com/comics/email_address seems to cover this

In all fairness, my almost-80-year-old dad really likes his yahoo email.

Pause Patch Tuesday downloads, buggy code can kill Outlook


Re: The tables have turned

20 year for me :)

It's so sad seeing M$ users lose functionality and privacy with every round of patches.

Then again, these problems make money for a lot of people. Donald Trump would approve.
