Re: For Google, Brexit makes Eire a golden opportunity
Yes, this is true. The Dutch actually played it very cleverly; they sold it (the Dutch Gov chipped in financially and "market-message-wise") to make EMA decide for Holland, even though there is no building, infra structure, nothing. If I remember well, facilities won't be finished until 2022 or something. But, EMA asked their employees, and they (EMA that is) would loose the least if it would be Holland. Meanwhile MHRA at Canary Warf can start renting out rooms.
The same goes for medical devices BTW. UK based notified bodies were THE place to be for outside manufacturers. However now, they all moved offices to the EU (e.g. BSI= NL, UL= DE, InterTek = SE) so they can remain relevant and do business. As for the remark here on the "EU regulatory representation": that was always already a possibility. There is a provision which is called "Authorised Representative" that can help with that. It is a regulatory person, located in the EU, (TLDR;) taking care of business and the responsibility. This can also be a distributor (taking care of products of other outside EU businesses). So, bottom line, pharma/ medev companies DON'T have to move over to EU, but they do. Reasoning I get back from companies who (I help) doing this properly, is that it is mainly to ensure continuation, and that the UK is becoming a "too small a territory after Brexit to invest in significantly". (Don't kill the messenger please...)