* Posts by andylong42

1 publicly visible post • joined 9 Nov 2015

Cloud will kill tech sales jobs


Most VARs have moved with the times...

I have worked for various VARs over the last 15 years. The VARs that have ignored the cloud have largely died away, however the ones that embrace it have continued to be profitable. Your average SME still requires configuration and support services and this coupled with the comfort of monthly recurring business has made the cloud a secure business model. Yes I miss selling big on premise solutions, but this was a hit every 3-5 years. With the cloud you are guaranteed that revenue every month with a nice service wrap around. The danger would be if the cloud becomes so simple that every SME owner manager/FD can setup his own public or private cloud to run his entire business. Larger SMEs with internal IT might be able to do this, but I feel the vast majority will still rely on skilled and experienced VARs to do this and look after the solution for them.