I read this article with interest, as I did use KDE years ago, but it was a bloated mess. However after getting home tonight I decided to give it another shot and see what improvements there were.
I'm running Debian10, and installed it.
Oh my. What an appalling mess. I'm totally staggered they think this is a reliable and useable desktop.
It's unstable to the extent that often after logging it it would lock up my machine, it's horribly slow, the menu layout and branching (that this is totally personal) needs more clicks than necessary. It only offers me a USA keyboard on the login screen, not the GB layout I need, it argues with passwords sometimes needing my user pass, sometimes needing a root password but never specifies. It's actually worse than it was years ago.
I'm back to XFCE for speed and less resources. Keep telling yourself you are doing well hun, like Trump does.