Re: I can't see full AV either
Firstly, does it assume maps are entirely reliable? I don't think that's true at all, they read road signs and markings (not perfectly at present but they're getting there)
The second problem doesn't seem like a driverless cars problem to me. If a human decides they want to deliberately cause an accident by driving on to my side of the road immediately before we are about to pass in opposite directions there's not a damn thing I can do about it and there's nothing a driverless car can do about it either. I don't see how AVs make that worse
Third problem is related to the first. That's only a problem if you assume that AVs navigate solely by GPS and maps, but that's not true, they navigate by GPS, maps, cameras and (maybe) lidar.
The fourth problem is a fairly minor UI issue, how do I indicate where I want the car to go if there is no map of the area. Well either the car takes me to the nearest mapped road then puts me in to a semi-manual mode for the last 10m where I direct the car with a joystick and it continues to handle all the collision avoidance and actual control of the car, or I indicate on a satellite map where I want it to go, or something similar. Even if the answer is that no, you can't park anywhere that's not on the map, that's still not fatal for AVs, there just needs to be some way for you to get your own drive added to the map and you'll have to accept that you're otherwise going to have to park in car parks or on the road side.
I can see some arguments for the fact that getting the last 20% of the way to AVs is going to need much much more work than the first 80% but I can't see anything which is a complete show stopper.