* Posts by Martin 26

4 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Nov 2015

What's Microsoft been up to? A quick tour of Windows 11 22H2's security features

Martin 26

Re: this is true

MS, Apple, Android all use the same RFC6238 algorithm for their respective authenticator apps. It doesn't need any cellular connectivity, that's the whole point for people who can't get SMS messages.

Meta's AI translation breaks 200 language barrier

Martin 26

Re: Get the basics right first

Thou art is translated as 'du bist', works for me. Ye think gives 'ihr denkt'. It's not perfect but they have thought about it.

Autonomous cars are about to do to transport what the internet did to information

Martin 26

Automated cleaning

Why is automated cleaning so hard to imagine? The simplest level of automated taxi could have wipe-clean surfaces, vinyl seats etc. A specialised cleaning machine (call it a robot if you like) could clean it in a few minutes.

Wikipedia cracks the five-million article barrier, in English

Martin 26

Re: How complimentary ...

Surely 'metalled' road is standard British English, don't think because you've never heard it before that it's something obscure