Re: what?
what the literal actual fuck
My thinking exactly.
So, what, google is now evil AND incompetent? We are fucked.
117 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Oct 2015
Honestly, what complete moron would think this is an acceptable way to run anything, much less a major computer operating system?
Perhaps the kind of moron who sees the sales figures and goes "oh, look, no matter how much we piss on them they still buy our shit."
If you want change, vote with your wallet, that's the only vote you got. If you can not vote with your wallet, bite the bullet baby.
I say "ignore" because it's not really ignoring, that is no longer an option, what I really mean is "frantically getting back to where you were before something bad happens". Whenever I reboot for games now, I literally go make a coffee, then read The Register while waiting for the update prompt - anywhere between a few minutes and a couple of hours, then I can game. Roll on Vulcan already.
I did not realize this. Never mind what I said earlier about updating to w10. No way I let these fuckers ruin even one frame of worldoftanks for me. So it's w7 for me. Games and one client project is the only reason I still occasionally boot to win. Many of the games I already play on mac and as soon as my client sees the light and moves to some sort of nix it's byebye slurp and thanks for all the rotten fish.
"This is all part of our commitment to increase your trust and confidence in our products and services."
After your recent activities my trust is something you'll never get back. Never. If you introduce 'telemetry OFF' -switch AND it is proven by gazillion experts that the switch is indeed working I may update my one win machine to 10.
Microsoft wants to patent mind control
I have exclusive patent for my mind, includes controlling it. I filed for it some 40+ years ago and got it and its universal. I shall release the patent to public domain upon the moment of my death. Meanwhile, slurp and all the other similar clusterfucks can go **** themselves in the ******* eyesocket.
As I was reading this I actually thought this to be a good idea; I'd gladly give you some of my processor time in exchange for your hard work. And after you mother******* successfully rickrolled me (yes I clicked the 'source code here' link) I still think it's a good idea.
I've never been rickrolled before and years since I was last succesfully april fooled. And now laughing my ass off, thanks el reg. Maybe because of this kind of stuff I keep coming back here, after some 15 years now.
Spoofing such sensors [MEMS] with intentional acoustic interference enables an out-of-spec pathway for attackers to deliver chosen digital values to microprocessors and embedded systems
I sympathize for you, little chips. I mean, I will start behaving out-of-spec (ie. go postal) should someone force me to endure sounds generated by Rick Astley.
Nobody laughs at the UK because we have allowed an unelected Prime Minister Theresa May to completely fuck us over.
Now see, that's where you are wrong. I do laugh at you because of that. But then again, I am nobody, so your original statement is actually true. Sorry to have wasted your time, leaving now with a never-to-be-used-again hiking map of pre-brexit UK in the pocket.
If something breaks in Linux due to an update you have so many options to work around, fix or revert. You have no choice with Microsoft other than wait for them to pull their finger out of their ass and get their shit together.
Yes. I've recently had to work with win7 on a customer case and every now and then wlan goes down. Start the 'troubleshooter', watch a few minutes of indefinite 'progressbar' 'progressing' and then eventually a diagnosis: 'something seems to be wrong, can't tell you what, do you want to see an online solution?'
Online solution?
Hilarious. Connection always comes up though after rebooting.