"And this was advice. Therefore the advice is that only 37.5% of people want to leave."
37.5% want to leave indeed.
But only 34.7 want to stay.
7 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Oct 2015
How does that popular misquotation go?
Those who are willing to sacrifice a little freedom for a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
As much as I hate journalists in general, or at least those who think that half of the trash that appears in the tabloids somehow qualifies as news, I am grudgingly forced to recognise that a free press is indeed necessary in any country that aspires to call itself free and democratic.
If journalists are incriminated for not ratting out their sources then all that will happen is that nobody with anything worth saying will talk to the press, and what we'll get served to us is whatever the Ministry of Truth decides is a true and accurate account of world events.