Twitter begging to be made Public Utility
The article alleges that evidence of Election Fraud in the USA is 'hard to find".
Only if one is an absolute dolt with zero web search skills.
Their "sources" demonstrating a lack of evidence are media outlets with a persistent and pernicious bias against the current POTUS. These "sources" fail to acknowledge easily available statistical evidence of massive fraud in the 2016 Federal Election where multiple precincts in multiple states reported more votes cast than the total number of Registered Voters, to cite one easily researched group of evidence. "Interestingly" every single one of these anomalous precincts voted for the Democrat Candidate. There's another class of precincts from the same election where the ballots showed the statistically 'highly unlikely" [IE real world impossibility] of not a single ballot being cast for the Republican Candidate.
There are multiple public statements that will turn up on a web search of various politicians over the last 30 years stating in interview that such a scheme as is currently being proposed will inevitably result in massive voting fraud.
Twitter is setting itself up for a Federal Takeover as it is no longer acting as a platform for public discourse but is exercising "Editorial Authority" that will loose it any claim to "First Amendment Protection" and will cause it to be brought under the regulation and control of the various Public Utility Statutes and Regulations.
The stockholders will not be amused by the subsequent loos of value such an exercise of Federal Oversight will cause.
Nuke bomb Icon because of the volatile nature of this topic and it's ramifications for all of Social Media.