* Posts by Kit.

2 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Oct 2015

EU urged to ignore net neutrality delusions, choose science instead


Re: QoS != Net neutrality

Rate limiting all SIP traffic to the client to 90 Kbps will destroy video conferencing. And, as far as I can see it, prioritizing first 90Kbps to the fast-lane and the rest to the best-effort cannot be done just at the client's endpoint, but needs to be repeated at the ISP's congestion points as well - for each and every client.


Re: QoS != Net neutrality

QoS needs the originating party to be trusted - or needs to have a separate "fast-lane" bucket per every end-user at every congestion point. The former one contradicts "net neutrality". The latter one is probably too expensive for large ISPs.

Otherwise people will abuse fast lanes by making their ordinary traffic indistinguishable from others' "priority traffic", such as by developing "VPN over SIP" solutions.