Nailed it!
@Chris G
"...any successes will be in spite of government involvment not because of it."
Like screwing-up the Covid numbers because they were using an older version of MSExcel that could not contain the full number of entries in the column - this is "Basic Stuff™️" people! Just use the right tool for the job, and at least be cognisant of the limitations of the tool! FFS.
With humble apologies to Megadeth:
"Government Information Technology Projects are two FOUR words combined that can't make sense..."
Personal Anecdotes (and rant) based on 22yrs of Civil Service and 3 yrs in the British Army:
It always seems to be the case. In my old MOD research days, I lost count of the times we were "reorganised" by a new Defence Minister to suit their political ambitions. Each time it set back projects, caused cost-overruns, and EVERY TIME us Civil Servants got the blame. The reason the Civil Service is so shit is **persistent government interference!**
The same goes for Education, Local Services, Energy, Transport, ad infinitum. Just add more managers and reduce the funds available where it's needed by the amount required to pay these millstones on Society.
Do you remember us soldiers not having body armour while in theatre?! Not having the correct filters on the vehicle engines (especially the MBTs!) for 'fine sand deployment?!" Or how about the time my vehicle was told that we were out of RARDEN Cannon rounds because UKGov had "messed-up" the supply contract and thought we could go to war without the continuous need to supply munitions??!!! Julian H Christophulous!!
Any UKGov involvement in Service Provision is always ALWAYS ALWAYS a guaranteed clusterfuck!
The biggest shit-storm ever introduced into the MOD was "Package Management" whereby EVERY 6 MINUTES had to be accounted for on an FMA Form (Financial Management Accounting, AKA: Fraudulently Manufactured Account) of what project was to be billed. Oh, and we had to "show a profit" on that project, which was often either mission-critical work or - Blue Sky research. (WTAF?!!) As result we wasted a LOT of time filling out those timesheets and billing that time to projects instead of actually doing the sodding work!
What made it all the more galling was that the inventor of the Package Management system eventually declared that "The Package Management System of financial accounting does not work."
So what did UKGov PLC do once hearing this mea culpa from the inventor?
Yup. You guessed it. They doubled-down. Not only adding more layers of manglement in the MOD/Civil Service, they pulled the same shit with the NHS and fscked that up too!
Icon is gubmint-appointed contractors cronies emptying the Public Purse while pretending to produce something useful. Again.