So what are my rights?
I am a UK citizen and as such am also an EU citizen at present too. I pay my taxes to the government and am registered across all of those government databases that matter HMRC, NHS, Criminal Records and all ad taxation is used to provide all of those nice services that myself and other citizens of the UK and EU also have access to.
So why should my taxes be used to pay for someone who will not allow their personal data to be stored, accessed and shared in the same way that mine is?.......the arguments that illegal immigrants are paying their taxes indirectly is nonsense also as without a legal status, you do not have an NI number and can only work illegally.....doing who knows what?
I have the greatest sympathy for any individual escaping war or persecution and asking for asylum on entry to the problem is that so many travel across the entire continent of Europe to reach the UK and too many are not seeking refuge or asylum, just a better life without the duties or commitments to society that citizens endure.