* Posts by Daddie_Ernie

3 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Oct 2015

Seeing as real 5G isn't even here yet, you could just get a OnePlus instead of an iPhone 12 and save loadsamoney


Re: £329

Hmmm, OnePlus for the same price as Apple? Not sure about that. Sure they have been creeping up in price since the original OnePlus One, but at £549, the flagship OnePlus 8T is still healthily cheaper that the £849 iPhone 12. Still not cheap, but a lot cheaper!

Don't mean to alarm you, but Boeing has built an unmanned fighter jet called 'Loyal Wingman'


Reaper What you Sow?

I'm no military expert, so happy to defer to others on here, but whats the difference between this "development" and the existing heavily armed UAV's, such as the Reaper? Strikes me that it also flies unmanned (well, controlled remotely), could easily fly alongside a manned aircraft, and already carries armaments such as Sidewinders and Hellfire missiles. What am I missing here?

DCIG rates top-selling EMC flash array as survey bottom-dweller


Re: Here's a vendor's response to DCIG shenanigans

"XtremeIO doesn't have anything but speed"

And we think its DCIG that's brainwashed! Could you expand a little on that? Sure, we all have our favourites, but (hopefully) we have the sense to see beyond the rhetoric. The vast majority can see this article for what it is - a thinly veiled ad for a particular vendors product. All it really does it discredit DCIG further, if that's possible.