My old friend from Dubai, Daniel with some diving friends from Thailand researched and found HMS Repulse after years of trying
It also unfortunately killed him, he went down on his own for one last dive & didn't surface
19 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Oct 2015
Always follow the car crash US presidential elections
Got friends in Florida & Texas and family in Idaho
If you read any of the meat in the Podesta hack
& previous to that some story's in the American press
Hilary stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders, because she basically controlled the party's super delegate vote via her inner circle of cronies & that won her the Democrat nomination
She's scripted, horrid nasal has questionable integrity, screwed up in Benghazi + email server scandal - Clinton foundation scandal et al
People wanted somebody outside the established political elite & they got Trump
What comes next is interesting, if he puts his foot down in January over trade, I'm watching Sturgeon implode here in Scotland and Theresa May stomping Brussels in well May !
OK first up if it was a skimming device the account would have been emptied
Second had it been a home snafu they'd have got all the details from the 3 accounts plus our PayPal and probable access to the credit card as well all of which are unadulterated
As we went over everything with the bank for a 2 week purchasing period it was clear as to the the date the card had been slurped
It is not "laughable" as you put it
Local community police officer is a personal friend whom I've worked with for 6 years delivering local cycle training to primary school kids, so I called her and not the station.
Remember talk talk they talked shit about customer cards not being given up and it was bullshit
The fanboys with their pants around their ankles defending steam are laughable.
Bottom line is this steam can have an official line all they want whilst they know 34,000 customer details were viewed they have no idea to what degree this has been.
Santander's fraud team have confirmed that we are not the only clients of theirs in the UK that have the same problem pointing back to steam dozens was their word,
I've also been contracted by a couple of folks in the US via twitter who've had a similar issue.
Problem being nobody in the industry quite knows what they're getting ahold of and what they're using to "complete" card numbers if they don't get the whole thing, but a bit of code and a nice algorithm with get them what they need if they did not get the whole thing.
When it happened it felt like being burgled, but it became apparent it was an opportunity for someone not to refuse,not an issue on our part or a security slip.
My wife is a charge nurse so at work its locked in her office I currently work from home so that's out and then sadly most purchases are at Tesco, Aldi, Lidl or at Tesco or Morrison's gas stations if we eat out we pay cash.
So as much as Steam want to put out the PC We're doing all we can blah blah blah nobody was compromised bullshit I'm afraid I know differently as do TalkTalk's customer's
And as a footnote Argos's fraud team have also taken this on as they can track the purchse address etc etc and Santander's been super quick to refund the payments which if you're a phishing victim they are not quick to do at all.
No card has not been out my or my wife's hand at all
Given the timescale it all points to steam
Unless Argos retail, Tesco retail,Aldi or Lidl have been hacked
Which is highly unlikely and the fact they waited until the 27'th to use the details makes me think they had a conscience but the lure was to much to try their luck.
I did try local Police re a card skimming device and no dice there.
Not a home hack as PayPal and the bank accounts are all untouched
So we're back to steam and yeah the card was on there last transaction Nov 14'th for a Star Wars game for my son.
I've been in and wiped just eat as well today and they had expired cards on file...
Kind of kicking myself over that.....
However annoying this was it is good to know that Valve shut it down and sorted it out quickly, just unlucky for me some tosser got the full card details then thought about using them for a few days and then tried it on
If they'd done it Xmas day we probably wouldn't have found out untill it was to bloody late!
Silver lining and all that
The hardest part will be getting an acknowledgement from Steam/Valve about it al
So my Wife was out shopping yesterday with my girls and she used a new card when out
At the same time wingman and I were gorging on Borderlands and yes I ignored the phone when it rang, but we picked up the message from Santander's fraud department. Somebody had been shopping at Argos on-line with our card details.
The cogs start whirring as we go through purchases with the bank and where those purchases were made, Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, Argos, Tesco pay at pump and Tesco's cash machine, whilst wondering where the hell the details were got from. Home PC and network is way more secure than TalkTalk.
So fraudster, yesterday at Argos spends £24 £60 £150 gone through then we're told by Santander that they'll be cancelled paperwork in the post then a few for £350-£400 all declined, as luckily new card was actioned during their shopping spree.
New card was unadulterated in the envelope & been sat for a week or so (old one expires Jan 2016)
I call the police in town to see if there have been reports of a skimming device in the town (Cupar) and blank drawn here.
Roll through with Santander what was bought by us and where, nobody behind me in Argos or Tesco or Lidl or Aldi & yeah I even went out for a look at the petrol pump and the ATM at Tesco.
Then I read about the Steam issues and sure enough last Steam purchase in November was on this card & from what I've seen everything they fraudster needed was slurped up by steam during the snafu, to facilitate an online purchase and account creation on Argos's web-site.
Santander have duly been informed of this & we await the outcome
so putting 2 & 2 together & with two other accounts and cards completely unadulterated (hence figuring network not hacked or slurped) It is nice to know Valve and Steam hold enough info for somebody to use my card to buy stuff on my ££, they did kindly wipe all payment info from my account, but somebody still got it though.
Ah Great it will only work in Chinglish be translated by a non indigenous Brit and live stream your every move to the PLA whilst doing a Who Made Who takeover of all your household electronics, in a word NO THANKS
I still see any Chinese tech product through an 80's James Bond cold war conspiracy lens and I 'aint buying it, ever.....
I get it all feet on beds chairs etc etc etc
you just can't uneducate thick
We've got 3 kids and had 2 home births and 1 smash and grab in hospital literally born stayed for checks made sure mum was OK and we bolted home again with the community midwife in tow to settle us down again....
We're laughing our asses off here
My wife is a nurse in acute medical admissions and she says & I quote
"Why the fuck would we need an app or a pair of smartglasses, we can't even wear wrist watches, to tell us how to wash our hands properly, they'd be better off getting this into KFC or that place in Oldham that gave you food poisoning, it's not the staff that spread norovirus, it's the fucking chav relatives and visitors that don't wash properly that spread it and bring it in"
Had a chuckle at this over a coffee
been with BT almost a decade, never been hacked like TT had one email advising password changes due to an attempted attack/hack maybe 7 years ago...
Nobodyelse bid for much of the rural broadband or would put in the infrastructure so it came down to openreach I know it is not as clear cut as this but bottom line is they did it.
We've recently bought and moved from a village just outside of St Andrews into the town of Cupar,
Old place Strathkinness finally got proper broadband exchange over the summer although not enough yet signed up to be hooked up on certain streets.
So my point is they want access to new markets (more profitable ones) after somebody else has opened them up (openreach) & don't want to pay a tithe for the privelage, yet they can pay dildo 7mil a year & stressed about share dividends and prices during the hack fallout, the whole point of shareholders and market capitalisation is you go back cap in hand for revenue for infrastructure projects (in this case) to make more money
Sipping more coffee and chuckling some more......
Ah Dido Dildo Lilo whatever your name is this makes it all OK then
Still pretty crappy for all your clients who've lost sensitive info due to your 7 mil a year paycheque, that's taken a chunk out the security budget!
Oh & ask the Transvestite, who's just been switched out of the mens prison for some styling and make up tips, she can help you no end..
Back off to watch the rugby now.
When you 'read between the lines' & it doesn't say encrypt, so you stoop to level of total douchebaggery and don't encrypt it, thus blaming the powers that be for not stipulating,"thou shalt encrypt, your clients sensitive data"
and blame a DDOS attack for the loss, remain utterly clueless and worry about the share price not the punters you serve
Thank Drokk I am not and have never been a talk talk customer
I did some "self employed" courier work, now have a better work from home gig, whilst I get some IT Industry certifications, knowledge and ability don't get a gig without cert's
My Hermes packed it in after a week, You earn less than minimum wage as you never finish in time all manner of issues here from traffic to customers not being in, to the depot's
Yodel decent gig but it is a 6 day week for a 48k job initial 2 year contract + you need to supply the van or lease one.
Don't know about the precedents, but is is simply the companies, not needing to pay higher NI, cover sick pay and holiday pay and pensions, by having inyd's do the leg work
The Zero hour contractor's lack of company benefits et al is the employers profit margins in my eyes.
Uber and Lyft are breaking up a stus quo and a monopoly of sorts, by cunning acts of douchebagery, leaving the Gov appendages to play catch up and devise ways to say Oi, pack it in.
Pretty much like the bankers rigging mortgages, selling toxic mortgages, back slapping and pocket filling on libor rates, dodgy scales for precious metal deals and any other thing where they can play the system for cash.