Infertile or inf...?
It appears 5G is making some people maybe not infertile, but rather infantile. Possibly including some commenters, but certainly those who believe it‘s more harmful than walking your dog.
36 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Sep 2015
Maybe the average member of Congress has a similar physiognomy to a certain class of criminals?
I seem to remember there was a study about a year ago where certain behavioral patterns could be predicted from an analysis of the person's features; something that has been suggested in the 19th century but vehemently (and rightly) criticized by most serious scientists ever since.
...probably means that the average user of those 130.000 has stored emails of their last 15 years, at a rate of around 50 mails a day, without ever deleting anything, and Enders thinks there might be a little storage space saved there.
What Airbus appears to be saying is they'll give users a chance to forget all of this junk, and possibly extract and save those mails that actually still have any significance. Say the one with the cookie recipe, the one that has Fred's address in it that the user never learned to copy into their own contacts, and the one with that specific detail about project XY the user wanted to remember, or use as a template. Then again, don't quote me on this.
If all of those make it difficult for ASR systems to do their job, it might be they‘re no better nor worse than mere humans. I sometimes find it difficult to understand people talking eith an accent - remember a London cabbie saying what sounded like „o‘rite mite“ when apparently they meant „alright mate“. It can be hard tounderstsnd, no doubt.
Obviously with the accents a possible solution will be to train the ASR with all sorts of them, and possibly add some better heuristics for short phrases. With voice pitch, a higher frequency should carry fewer overtones in the audible spectrum, so maybe the signal quality really is worse. The test case for a fair comparison would be high-pitched male voices. Say boys. And f it‘s so, the AI will simply have to increase its effort with the pitch of the voice. As we do.
In the Golden Age of flying, you'd cross the Atlantic in a narrow-body airplane; say a Boeing 707, Douglas DC-8 or (sigh) Vickers VC-10. All of which had narrower fuselages than the Airbus A320 does, and still had six seats in a row.
HOWEVER, the seats in that golden age were spaced much further apart (up to ten inches more than today, except with "some" airlines) and the boarding procedures, cabin crew, and meals were all up to the standards expected by a 1960's air traveler. Then again, so were the fares.
Might have posted this before, sorry in that case.
Just imagine: After 37 years, the seals on those thruster valves still opened without damage, and held tight again. Wouldn't want to rely on that with a faucet that hadn't been used since 1980.
Just shows what you can do when there's no stupid oxygen or light around.
Oh dear, AppleTalk. Almost as good as ApplePie :-)
Nay, there's two main things you can do with a pile of money: Prevent yourself being bought, or buy someone or something else when the need arises. With the current global economic and political climate, it can't be long before the first sovereign state puts itself up for sale to a corporation. That would make a great offshore base for Apple!
They could fund the US space program for like 15 years.
End world hunger (maybe).
Gold-plate the entire Apple campus and every street in Cupertino, with lots of cash to spare.
Fix the US public health system. Just kidding.
Or simply buy BMW, just for the fun of it.
The thing is, pro computers, and Macs in particular it seems, are being used for longer than they used to, at least in most office applications; so users will be prepared to wait a bit.
Remember those days we couldn't wait for a 68030, or later PowerPC 603, because they'd really speed up our work, and in some cased would open up possibilities never imagined before. Now all but the most power-hungry users can work with a seven-year-old Mac and all the pain they endure is a very occasional waiting time.
And once more, one that might theoretically, given some not-totally-unimaginable advances in technology, have a chance to one day work. Continuing a proud tradition there, but I'll still not invest my money in it, nor hold my breath.
Might try and get the T-shirt if they have any.
People, get your systems engineering right.
Linear acceleration could be similar to an airliner on take-off; a bit uncomfortable but nothing worse, although as someone mentioned above, it'll take a loooong distance to accelerate to top speed.
Breaches of the tube will "only" be a problem if a) they occur within the emergency stopping distance of the capsule, and b) they include a breach of the rails, or misalignment of the two broken-apart tube sections. In all other cases, it'll be an emergency stop and ticket refund; but in that combination it'll be a disaster.
Quite another topic, however, is turn radius. By my quick BOTE check, in order to keep centrifugal acceleration to an acceptable level at speeds of 1100 m/s or so, you'd need a curve radius of several hundred kilometers - the exact value depending on what you consider "acceptable". That means we're essentially talking arrow-straight tubes; which even in China would place a fantastic burden on the poor civil engineers tasked with routing the system.
“The diazonium reaction chemistry allowed a controllable introduction of benzene-based defects with reduced sensitivity to natural fluctuations in the surrounding environment.”
Sounds a bit like "the dilithium reaction chemistry allowed a controllable introduction of defects which results in an field inversion in the surrounding..."
Where's a Star Trek icon when you need one?
Apparently the Trump voting campaign knew exactly which neighborhood to target with which slogan, on what channel. They could have got this targeting accuracy by letting 150 analysts go over the most recent ACS results for a month; or by letting maybe 5 people do it in a few days, based on multi-source information, like cars and tweets, with the help of serious computing. They chose the latter and got successful.
To me though, it's eerily "The Circle"-like; it's as though anyone with enough data analytics knew you like your long-time neighbor does, maybe better; and you don't even know who they are, or why you keep reading what they want you to read on Google news. Kinda scary.
But wait - 40W? What do you do with all those blind rats and birds?
And more so, what happens when little Johnny comes creeping below the garden fence, looking for a bit of fun, and suddenly has a laser-like enlightening experience?
Mine's the one with the dark glasses in the pocket.
Cloud traffic alert to all Saturnians: An alien-made object is expected to strike cloud top during the ides of September next year in the equatorial region; the precise impact location will be distributed later. Check back frequently for updates. The area concerned will be closed to all cloud traffic until the hazard is over.
Well that New Shepard sure looked a bit puny in comparison, even if it was quite suggestively shaped. New Glenn is kinda too smooth by comparison. And I still wonder what Bezos wants to ej... er, I mean, what sort of payload he's planning to inject into what sort of orbit, if that's the word?
Actually, that crash wouldn't bend a fender if Rosetta was a car. They're trying to set it down really gently; unfortunately though, for some obscure legal reasons apparently, they'll have to switch it off right after landing.
Anyway, I hope we'll at least get to see real close-up pictures of the ground.
You have a point there. As is so often the case, there's legal, moral, political, and business aspects to this case. The legal ones may just be clear, and if they are, the authorities *must* act on them. The moral and political sides are far murkier, and the business... We'll see.
That's actually the point. All the competition commissioner did was determine that one EU state had granted illegal subventions to two EU companies. Normally that's a clear case, and I'm not aware any of the previous similar decisions have ever been contended, let alone successfully.
Of course, with a big name and a seriously big amount of money involved...
/Rant/ It's not like we can allow the rule of law to be applied like that, to all alike! /Rant off/
So this'll be a case for the courts. How much will the lawyers' fees be when the matter in question is a puny13 beeellion? And what LR units do we have for that? The price of 20 million iphones?
Just as a side note, isn't "train" a wonderful word? It can mean:
- to point something
- to practice
- a thingy on wheels that gets pulled
I'm pretty sure I haven't found half the different meanings yet (no mind to check up on wiktionary or so). Just thought it all rather enjoyable.
They all sing in choir, and march in step. Popular ant working songs are Queen's "We are the champions" and "House of the rising sun" by, you guessed it, The Animals. Ants like the 6/8 time that goes well with six legs, but they don't like to waltz.
Anyway, I think they do it all with acoustics.