Line rental
All line rental costs should be very clearly stated in advertising of this kind. It seems to me, line rental is a way of hiding fees as no one (read: a growing majority) actually need a landline other than an internet connection.
16 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Feb 2009
Are we the only country where this spectrum auction happens?
I can't believe we are being left behind while the US and Germany pioneer onwards with 4G. I'm surprised the government doesn't push the 4G spectrum auction as they will be getting money for nothing to patch up the deficit.
WTF as I want 4G now!
As a non-iPhone user I've always had a limit on every network even though it's sold as unlimited. So I welcome clarity in pricing and the removal of anything labelled as 'unlimited' that isn't.
But will O2 cut off data once a user reaches 1GB in a month? Or will it let users go over the data allowance and charge the £10 for an extra 1GB of data?
So some mobiles come with unlimited access, and some its a flexible booster. Isn't this how it worked before, with Web'n'Walk? And unlimited still means 1Gb? Ok, so that's the best Fair Use Policy on the market currently, but 1Gb seriously? The carrier that offers 10Gb for the same price will get my £££
Firstly, your headline is linkbait, and insinuates spontaneous human combustion after tasering - when actually the guy was surrounded by petrol and potentially had flammable petrol fumes in his respiratory system, therefore catching fire seems highly likely.
Secondly, it's illegal to sniff petrol in Oz? How close does the nose have to be to the petrol for it to be illegal? If I'm filling up my car and inhale fumes will I get arrested?
The common reaction to Video in DSLRs is "why did they bother?". Can I just stress that there is a market for entry-ish level DSLRs with Full HD video. I am that market, and in a straw poll of one, 100% said they would purchase one.
Unfortunately the jump in price between a superzoom (with Full HD) and a DSLR with Full HD was double the cost, so this time around I opted for the former. But next time round it will be my turn with the DSLR.
The other reason USB 3 will be king, is that USB is Universal for all types of devices. Fireware and eSATA have limited device support, almost always high capacity storage devices. The average user just wants one set of ports to plug they low def webcam/ printer/ 1TB external hard disk into.