* Posts by VladimirOrlovsky

4 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Sep 2015

Study: AI detects backdoor-unlocking DNA samples


we already have computer system, that can't be 'infected'.

Intel and others just didn't 'Think' that far, then they designed 286-386-486 CPU's

but ... BIG secred for people like you ...

If computer system designed to separate "code" and 'data'

and "My code", "My data" and "External code/data" ...

nothing will happen.

I will Explain like you are 5th grader:

Impossible to RE-Write CD if media physically can't be RE-Written.

Impossible to RE-Write real paper book, if NO one can touch it.

You can 'Read' but can't "Touch" ...


You learn something !


people usually know "How" do job right

problem is .... $$$$$$$

Money, Lots of Money !!

We love Money !

We love Money more then we love our Mothers ...

and this is THE problem ...

it is NOT technical problem ....

Have a Nice Day.

~ VladimirJosephStephanOrlovsky

Intel energizes decades-old real-time Linux kernel project


• So, Intel [and others] is about 20-30 years too lait ;

low-latency communication between controllers, sensors, robots and tooling, and other equipment …

this is a working 'pony' , and NOT ...

shiny and glorious 'Horse' with a lot of hype and operation / maintenance problems, and good only for show off and games for kids ~ VJO

IBM: Hey, puny humans. Come stick your digits in Watson's AI brain


Re: first thoughts....

We read a lot about "Brute-force" of SuperComputers ... "Gigabytes, Terabytes, Petabytes ... bla-bla..."

I would like to fine to read a good article about "Smart" / "unorthodox approach" computing.

Any links?




IBM, please Look Closely in the cracks of BigData !


Re: first thoughts....

Please Find some "cool" unusual info in the "cracks" of "BigData"..

until that...

superComputer(s) == super Calculator(s)
