* Posts by Poet_69

9 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Sep 2015

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg



Dad 40 years in the desert is not long enough for fault finding Windows Vista!



If I wasn't losing enough believers, they will truly crucify me for the MaxI Pad


SIgn of the times

I know what I did for Lazarus but this Maxi Pad is beyond saving!!


Using Apple Maps

Been forty bloody years and still looking for the promised land!!


Jesus private thoughts

I am tempted to raise Steve Jobs from the dead so he can see what thy have made of his vision, no pen my arse!


Tech support

If you just use the 3 finger salute Jesus, you'll be right in no time!


Say What!!

The Feds took down my Tor end point, how else are all the little children to cum unto me???

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


As all know

Purchase of this device require the following prereqs , uninstall wife v1.0 install Tinder, hell Grinder for those not wanting to halve their chances. And installing partner 2.0. Be aware this upgrade comes with many costs including entertainment expenses and reapplication of Alcohol v1.01.

Should you manage to pull this off you will find uninstalling Wife 1.0 can me rather costly in fact possibly losing the housing application and visitation privileges. Still there are benefits Nagging v4eva goes away. If however you were foolish enough to upgrade Wife 1.0 to include child then lets face it, you are in for the soul destroying wait times not to mention remove -payroll benefits or you can simply reinstall from scratch install all under different USER ID and relocate datacenters.



Bonus!...It seems if you plug the battery in backwards it inflates!